Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Dwarf Cichlid, the Real Key to Caring For and Feeding It
The term 'Dwarf Cichlid' is actually misleading, since there really is not a strict definition of what a dwarf cichlid actually is. Rather there are a number of different fish that are commonly considered dwarfs, such as the species Apistogramma. These fish are found widely in South America and West Africa and due to being found in a rainbow of colors and having great personalities are favorites for aquarium fish.
The most important thing to keeping Dwarf Cichlids is to make sure you have the correct water!
Remember in the wild these fish live in a constant flow of clean fresh water and so it is important to change 20% of the water every 2 to 3 weeks, although many will say it is even better to change up to 50% at least once a week. The water pH should be checked to make sure it is soft acidic at best to at least neutral or slightly acidic. The best temperatures range from 74°F to 78°F, and usually they do not receive direct sunlight, since in the wild they commonly live in shady water and sunlight is filtered by the water anyway.
Dwarf Cichlids prefer live food and are often much more healthier than if fed a pure dry, such as pellets or flakes. Some of the best Cichlid food includes Black Worms, White Worms, Brine Shrimp and Micro Worms. Frozen foods are also pretty good for the fish and can be put in the tank even when frozen since the fish will nibble on it when it starts to thaw.
Black worms are probably the best frozen food whereas shrimp are not as good since once they thaw they tend to crush easily allowing nutrients to get lost in the water leaving not much else than shell. Always check frozen foods before buying them as sometimes they have have thawed during shipping and then refrozen again before being sold in stores.
Dwarf Cichlids are highly adaptable fish but it is a good practice to try and duplicate to some degree their natural habitats in the Cichlid aquarium. The more complex the environment the better, meaning there should be lots of nooks and crannies to hide.
Although a bare aquarium floor can be used it is better to use gravel or a layer of sand. Just make sure if using sand that it is not too thick since areas of anaerobic bacteria can form.
Piles of rocks, broken flower pots or coconut shells can be used to liven up the tank and the cichlids love all the places to explore and hide in.
Other good things are leaves such as Oak leaves on the tank floor since the fish use these leaves to hide in and for breeding. Just make sure that when using leaves that they have dried naturally and that the trees themselves have not been sprayed with chemicals.
There are many aquarium plants that you can use and these are vital for happy healthy fish.
Rooted, floating and loose plants can all be used. The main thing is to make sure that the plants do well themselves in the water climate that the fish use. Some good plants to look at would be Water Sprites, Java Moss, Java Fern and Pygmy Chain Sword. Trial and error is often the best approach to caring for the plants you are placing in the tanks.
Baby Dwarf Cichlids are able to eat micro worms or newly hatched brine shrimp after about 10 days but a notable exception is the Blue Ram as they are very small and should be fed smaller foods such as Vinegar eels. If the aquarium has a good amount of plants then this should give the babies food as well from micro-organisms on the plants.
Betta Nests - Mouth Brooder Or Bubble Nest Betta
Betta nests are created by the male of the species. There are two types of betta breeders, and those are the mouth brooding betta and the bubble nest betta. These types of breeding are very different, so different nests are built. These two types of betta nests have many similarities and differences. How do you know which type you have? Let's take a look at the beautiful betta's nest building habits.
Bettas that build air-bubble nests on the bottom side of the surface of water do so when water conditions are not rapid. In nature, if a betta gives birth in a fast moving stream or lake, they will keep the brood in their mouth, since the bubble nest would easily be destroyed by water movement. In the aquarium, however, there is generally not rapidly moving water, so the male betta will suck air into his mouth and attach a layer of saliva to this air. He then blows the bubbles out and they cling to the surface of the water. When the fry are produced, the male moves them to this nest, and will protect it aggressively, even against his partner.
Make sure that you have some surface plants for these bubbles to cling to should your male betta decide to go this route.
If the male betta feels threatened, or feels that the water is moving too rapidly, he will take the brood into his mouth, and hold them there for 7 to 10 days for the fry to develop. The bubble nest betta male may not eat during this entire time, and could begin to look sickly and thin. This is normal behavior for these fish when making betta nests. A dead giveaway that this is the case is that the male will generally back into a cave, or huddle at the surface of the water, with the female guarding him.
Regardless which of the betta nests your fish employs, a tight fitting cover or plastic wrap should be fitted over the tank to keep any cold air from reaching the surface. A warmer betta temperature is a must for healthy growth. If when the fry are young, they receive any cold air when they swim to the top of their aquarium, they can catch pneumonia and die.
These are just a few of the steps to take when breeding bettas, and an in-depth betta care manual should be kept on hands at all times to handle any eventuality.
Bettas that build air-bubble nests on the bottom side of the surface of water do so when water conditions are not rapid. In nature, if a betta gives birth in a fast moving stream or lake, they will keep the brood in their mouth, since the bubble nest would easily be destroyed by water movement. In the aquarium, however, there is generally not rapidly moving water, so the male betta will suck air into his mouth and attach a layer of saliva to this air. He then blows the bubbles out and they cling to the surface of the water. When the fry are produced, the male moves them to this nest, and will protect it aggressively, even against his partner.
Make sure that you have some surface plants for these bubbles to cling to should your male betta decide to go this route.
If the male betta feels threatened, or feels that the water is moving too rapidly, he will take the brood into his mouth, and hold them there for 7 to 10 days for the fry to develop. The bubble nest betta male may not eat during this entire time, and could begin to look sickly and thin. This is normal behavior for these fish when making betta nests. A dead giveaway that this is the case is that the male will generally back into a cave, or huddle at the surface of the water, with the female guarding him.
Regardless which of the betta nests your fish employs, a tight fitting cover or plastic wrap should be fitted over the tank to keep any cold air from reaching the surface. A warmer betta temperature is a must for healthy growth. If when the fry are young, they receive any cold air when they swim to the top of their aquarium, they can catch pneumonia and die.
These are just a few of the steps to take when breeding bettas, and an in-depth betta care manual should be kept on hands at all times to handle any eventuality.
Gold Cichlid, Basics of Taking Care of Your Little Friend
The Gold Cichlid comes from one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world, situated between 4 African countries known as Lake Tanganyika. It is also known widely as the Lemon Cichlid although it does vary in colors from bright yellow or orange to somewhat red. The change in color is put down to the environment and diet, a darker area with less light means darker or muddy colored fish.
Since Lake Tanganyika is very large and deep, the water tends to stay stable so the Gold Cichlid does not react well to large water changes and it is best to only change from 10%-20% a week. The water temperature should be around 74°F to 79°F and pH from between 7.8 to 9.0, wild caught Cichlid preferring the higher pH. Make sure the aquarium is very oxygen rich also even if you have plenty of plants in the tank and bubblers need to be used nearly 24/7.
Gold Cichlid are carnivores and therefore need food with proteins, preferably live or frozen foods although good quality pellet and flakes can be used also. If using the dry foods more often. it is still good to supplement these with brine shrimp, which can be fed to the fish either live or frozen or daphnia. A good other live food is Mysis since this helps the fish keep their vivid colors due to the proteins within the food and even crickets are well liked by the fish.
Lots of hiding places are a good idea for the Cichlid and as mentioned having good light will help the fish keep their color. This includes using a light sandy floor for the aquarium which can also help keep the pH up if the water is salty. Plants can also be used since the Gold Cichlid does not disturb them and some can provide micro-organisms for food and more hiding places.
The Gold Cichlid is a pretty good communal fish and is not very aggressive for the most part. They can get on well with other fish although it is always best to research all fish involved if they are placed in an aquarium with other species. If planning on breeding the Gold Cichlid make sure to have lots of caves around since they prefer to spawn their eggs in such shelter. Baby brine shrimp, frozen or live, are good food for baby Gold Cichlid.
Since Lake Tanganyika is very large and deep, the water tends to stay stable so the Gold Cichlid does not react well to large water changes and it is best to only change from 10%-20% a week. The water temperature should be around 74°F to 79°F and pH from between 7.8 to 9.0, wild caught Cichlid preferring the higher pH. Make sure the aquarium is very oxygen rich also even if you have plenty of plants in the tank and bubblers need to be used nearly 24/7.
Gold Cichlid are carnivores and therefore need food with proteins, preferably live or frozen foods although good quality pellet and flakes can be used also. If using the dry foods more often. it is still good to supplement these with brine shrimp, which can be fed to the fish either live or frozen or daphnia. A good other live food is Mysis since this helps the fish keep their vivid colors due to the proteins within the food and even crickets are well liked by the fish.
Lots of hiding places are a good idea for the Cichlid and as mentioned having good light will help the fish keep their color. This includes using a light sandy floor for the aquarium which can also help keep the pH up if the water is salty. Plants can also be used since the Gold Cichlid does not disturb them and some can provide micro-organisms for food and more hiding places.
The Gold Cichlid is a pretty good communal fish and is not very aggressive for the most part. They can get on well with other fish although it is always best to research all fish involved if they are placed in an aquarium with other species. If planning on breeding the Gold Cichlid make sure to have lots of caves around since they prefer to spawn their eggs in such shelter. Baby brine shrimp, frozen or live, are good food for baby Gold Cichlid.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Yorkshire Terriers - Traveling Nightmare Or a Rewarding Experience For Both You and Your Yorkie
More and more people are traveling these days and taking along the family pet. According to Road and Travel Magazine, 78% of pet owners are hitting the sky and rolling down the highways with their four legged companions. To avoid a traveling nightmare here are some helpful tips to consider before embarking on your road trip.
Preparation is the key to traveling with your Yorkie or any pet you may have which can lead to a rewarding experience for both you and your Yorkie. The travel industry is well prepared to accommodate pet travel arrangements. Be sure to book your travel plans well in advance and let them know you are traveling with a Yorkshire terrier.
If you are traveling by airplane advanced reservations makes a lot of sense to ensure your pets safety. There are two options for your Yorkie - one, he can travel in a small soft sided carry on that fits right under your seat on the aircraft. Of course, if your Yorkie travels alone they will be sent to the cargo area.
Since many pet owners travel with their pets today many hotels and motels have become more accommodating to their needs. When staying in your hotel room and you must leave your Yorkie alone there are two important things you must to do 1. Place the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door and inform both the housekeeper and the person at the front desk. 2. Bringing along your Yorkie's favorite bed and toys will keep his anxiety down while he enjoys a few familiar comforts from home.
Also it is important that you have a rabies vaccination certificate before traveling with your Yorkshire terrier. Your veterinarian can advise you on other recommendations for your travel plans. This may also include their shot record and a health certificate especially if you travel to Canada or Mexico. If your Yorkie is just recovering from any type of illness it may be a good idea to schedule a physical before you leave. Sadly, some pets become separated from their owners when traveling; this might be a good time to protect your Yorkshire terrier by implanting a microchip for that positive identification.
So do yourself a favor and avoid a traveling nightmare with your Yorkie by following the above safety tips and you can ensure a hassle-free trip with a little extra preparation and proper planning it will be just one less thing to worry about.
Training your Yorkshire Terrier can be frustrating if you don't know where to begin. Visit YorkiesAreJustAdorable to get important tips and tricks for training your Yorkie.
Preparation is the key to traveling with your Yorkie or any pet you may have which can lead to a rewarding experience for both you and your Yorkie. The travel industry is well prepared to accommodate pet travel arrangements. Be sure to book your travel plans well in advance and let them know you are traveling with a Yorkshire terrier.
If you are traveling by airplane advanced reservations makes a lot of sense to ensure your pets safety. There are two options for your Yorkie - one, he can travel in a small soft sided carry on that fits right under your seat on the aircraft. Of course, if your Yorkie travels alone they will be sent to the cargo area.
Since many pet owners travel with their pets today many hotels and motels have become more accommodating to their needs. When staying in your hotel room and you must leave your Yorkie alone there are two important things you must to do 1. Place the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door and inform both the housekeeper and the person at the front desk. 2. Bringing along your Yorkie's favorite bed and toys will keep his anxiety down while he enjoys a few familiar comforts from home.
Also it is important that you have a rabies vaccination certificate before traveling with your Yorkshire terrier. Your veterinarian can advise you on other recommendations for your travel plans. This may also include their shot record and a health certificate especially if you travel to Canada or Mexico. If your Yorkie is just recovering from any type of illness it may be a good idea to schedule a physical before you leave. Sadly, some pets become separated from their owners when traveling; this might be a good time to protect your Yorkshire terrier by implanting a microchip for that positive identification.
So do yourself a favor and avoid a traveling nightmare with your Yorkie by following the above safety tips and you can ensure a hassle-free trip with a little extra preparation and proper planning it will be just one less thing to worry about.
Training your Yorkshire Terrier can be frustrating if you don't know where to begin. Visit YorkiesAreJustAdorable to get important tips and tricks for training your Yorkie.
Rhinestone Dog Collars
These days you can get just about anything you want for your dog. People have even built homes for their dogs, and while that may sound a bit extreme, you may settle instead to simply just get your dog a rhinestone dog collar! Rhinestone dog collars are quickly becoming a classical favourite for pooches, because of their obvious attractive appeal, but also because they can be custom designed to do anything from spell out your dog's name, to having unique and fancy designs on the collar using the rhinestones. If you own special breeds of dogs, or have a pure bred breed, then rhinestone collars are perfect to make your dog look even better, and even if you do not, rhinestone collars add a touch of flare to the everyday use of your dog's collar. Here is what you need to know about rhinestone dog collars....
Safety first - While some may argue that rhinestone dog collars are simply a fashion statement for pooches, these days the collars are manufactured with safety in mind before anything else. The purpose of a collar in the first place, is to provide a place to put the identification and other specifications of your dog, so that if lost, people know whose it is; but also so that they know your dog (for instance) is rabies free, as rabies shots always come with a tag. Thus rhinestone dog collars are always made with precautions which make it difficult for your pet to slip out of the collars. Also, when purchasing, always make sure that your dogs tags can fit onto the collar effectively.
Collars that fit properly - while they look nice, you need the collar to fit properly, so when going for a collar, make sure you know your dogs size before you purchase the collar. Do not buy a collar that is too small for your dog, just because it looks good, because that will make your dog uncomfortable and can cause breathing problems and other health related issues in the long run. Also, on the other hand, you don't want the collar too be too loose, as the dog may try to chew it off, or will try and push it off from their neck. The best thing to do, is to get your dog measured first, or to measure him/her loosely using a flexible measuring tape.
Safety first - While some may argue that rhinestone dog collars are simply a fashion statement for pooches, these days the collars are manufactured with safety in mind before anything else. The purpose of a collar in the first place, is to provide a place to put the identification and other specifications of your dog, so that if lost, people know whose it is; but also so that they know your dog (for instance) is rabies free, as rabies shots always come with a tag. Thus rhinestone dog collars are always made with precautions which make it difficult for your pet to slip out of the collars. Also, when purchasing, always make sure that your dogs tags can fit onto the collar effectively.
Collars that fit properly - while they look nice, you need the collar to fit properly, so when going for a collar, make sure you know your dogs size before you purchase the collar. Do not buy a collar that is too small for your dog, just because it looks good, because that will make your dog uncomfortable and can cause breathing problems and other health related issues in the long run. Also, on the other hand, you don't want the collar too be too loose, as the dog may try to chew it off, or will try and push it off from their neck. The best thing to do, is to get your dog measured first, or to measure him/her loosely using a flexible measuring tape.
Dog Collar,
Rhinestone Dog Collar
German Shepherd Conformation Dog Shows
When breeder Max von Stephanitz created the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde as a means to standardize the German Shepherd breed, his vision was that of utility over aesthetic quality. The German Shepherd is a working breed above all else, and von Stephanitz worked hard to ensure that only the strongest, most intelligent and most capable dogs would represent the breed.
Unfortunately, von Stephanitz's vision has since faded. Conformation shows that promote visual beauty over working ability have given rise to an influx of show line dogs. True working line protection dogs are getting harder to find. However, not all conformation shows focus exclusively on aesthetic quality. Some trainers and breeders have set out to award working line dogs based on conformation standards that promote the breed's working ability. Only working line dogs are permitted to enter, and awards are given to dogs who will improve the integrity of the breed by their physique, intelligence and nerves.
True conformation standards should focus on how the dog's build will effect its working ability. Physically, a good protection dog must be healthy, strong, agile and well-balanced. Aside from the obvious lack of nerves and confidence found in show line dogs, many show line dogs are also poorly balanced, and as a result, are not as agile as their working line counterparts. Mentally, a German Shepherd needs to show intelligence, loyalty and strong nerves.
While many aesthetics-based conformation shows have contributed to the development of poor bloodlines, the efforts of a select few trainers and breeders are helping to preserve the true strength of working line dogs.
Unfortunately, von Stephanitz's vision has since faded. Conformation shows that promote visual beauty over working ability have given rise to an influx of show line dogs. True working line protection dogs are getting harder to find. However, not all conformation shows focus exclusively on aesthetic quality. Some trainers and breeders have set out to award working line dogs based on conformation standards that promote the breed's working ability. Only working line dogs are permitted to enter, and awards are given to dogs who will improve the integrity of the breed by their physique, intelligence and nerves.
True conformation standards should focus on how the dog's build will effect its working ability. Physically, a good protection dog must be healthy, strong, agile and well-balanced. Aside from the obvious lack of nerves and confidence found in show line dogs, many show line dogs are also poorly balanced, and as a result, are not as agile as their working line counterparts. Mentally, a German Shepherd needs to show intelligence, loyalty and strong nerves.
While many aesthetics-based conformation shows have contributed to the development of poor bloodlines, the efforts of a select few trainers and breeders are helping to preserve the true strength of working line dogs.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
7 Things to Do If You Got a Puppy For Christmas
It Christmas morning. The kids come down the steps, expecting toys and presents but things will be better than they expect because there under the tree, with a bow on its head is a new cuddly puppy. But whether you know it or not, as cute and cuddly as that puppy is, it is also a bundle of work for someone and some additional expense. Its important to get off to the right start with the little critter, here's 7 things to keep in mind:
House Breaking - Its important to get a good start with house breaking. A puppy will tend to go to the potty in the same place it went to the potty last time, so wherever you want the spot to be make sure to give the little fur ball plenty of opportunity to use that spot.
House Breaking 2 - A puppy has a small bladder and digestive system. Like a baby human they poop and pee a lot. If they drink or eat something THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE TO GO so be proactive and take him or her to the appropriate spot.
Puppy Proofing - At this point the house probably is not puppy proofed and in fact it is probably puppy dangerous. There are wires, ribbons, paper and other tempting tidbits to chew on for your new resident. Puppies love to chew on stuff and have a potential to eat whatever they are chewing on, this can be a trip to the emergency vet so again, be proactive.
Not Puppy Food - As tempting as it might be, don't fill your puppy with the typical Christmas treats found in a house, like cookies, turkey and candy. This is a formula for vomiting or diarrhea and diarrhea is bad for anyone but can be very bad for a puppy.
Pass The Pup - Another way to get your puppy to throw up is to pass him around and have him or held just too much. Hold her and love her but do it in moderation.
Sleeping Beauty - Puppies sleep a lot. Alot. Be sure to give your puppy some quiet time to snooze and when he or she wakes up, its off to the potty, right away!
Puppy Place - Be sure to make a special place for your puppy. A place that's his or hers, whether its a fancy crate or a card board box (make sure he can't eat it) that is puppy proof. Don't make the area too big, it should be big enough for him to stand up and turn around, limiting the size will discourage accidents in the area.
A puppy is a big responsibility, think of it like having a human baby to look after. A baby dog has a lot in common with a baby human. If you haven't had the new addition to the vets yet, make sure to make an appointment to get his or her health checked out.
Staffordshire Bull Terrier Puppies - 3 Commands You Must Teach Them
Staffordshire Bull terrier Puppies are some of the cutest puppies around and yet like all young dogs need to be taught some basic commands as early as possible. Staffy pups are very intelligent dogs and respond really well to training even when they are only 8 weeks old. So what are three key commands to teach? Well the experts may differ and yet as a Staffy owner for years these are the three I find most useful.
1. Their Name
This may sound really logical and yet many new owners dither about before they decide on what to call their new Staffy pup. This is a vital command and should be the first one you teach. Don't make it complicated either. This is a young puppy who responds well to sound and shorter words. Use it often as soon as they arrive home. Make sure you associate it with praise attention and food.
Within a matter of hours your Staffordshire bull terrier puppy will be responding.
2. Sit
The next command is to sit. It is really easy and is a way to establish your leadership role quickly with your new puppy. Use the two old faithful methods to get a response, that is puppy treats and praise to make sure your Staffy pup understands what they need to do. Combine it with a hand signal and you will get the desired result. A combination of hand signals food and praise works every time.
3. Wait
This is something I teach all my Staffordshire bull terrier puppies. It is similar to the stop command and has a number of uses. One of the easiest ways to teach this is using food and feeding time. By now you will have already taught your Staffy pup to sit. Now by using hand signals and sound you can make him or her wait for food until you command that they can have it.
Really advanced dog training can come later. These three commands are the essential ones that will make your life and that of your Staffy puppy that much easier and happier.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Safety Found in a Stainless Steel Bird Cage
A stainless steel bird cage is deemed as the best and the most expensive home for avian pets. These are the most sought after types of cages because of there durability and stability. It is almost unlikely that these types of cages and stands can topple no matter how aggressive the bird is becoming. A steel cage can also withstand the rigors of time and tarnish. The acid found in food and bird droppings may tarnish a lot of other materials but not stainless steel.
These cages come in all forms of finishes, size and shapes. The point of a bird cage though isn't so much on its visual pleasure but the quality of the material it is made from.
There are medical-grade stainless steel which doesn't contain the element chromium that may poison the pet if constantly eaten. A 304-Grade steel cage is said to be most ideal because it supposedly does not contain any harmful chemicals that pets can ingest. It is more expensive than normal stainless steel cages, but many bird owners will justify that it's well worth it.
Even if cages of this material are durable, maintenance is still important for its longevity and they are quite easy to clean out. It can be pressure-washed or scrubbed down with vinegar and water, then dried with another cloth. Stainless steel cages are easy to maintain though because the material resists bacterial formation
Again, the expense might be over the top, but for a pet lover, the best is rightly so.
These cages come in all forms of finishes, size and shapes. The point of a bird cage though isn't so much on its visual pleasure but the quality of the material it is made from.
There are medical-grade stainless steel which doesn't contain the element chromium that may poison the pet if constantly eaten. A 304-Grade steel cage is said to be most ideal because it supposedly does not contain any harmful chemicals that pets can ingest. It is more expensive than normal stainless steel cages, but many bird owners will justify that it's well worth it.
Even if cages of this material are durable, maintenance is still important for its longevity and they are quite easy to clean out. It can be pressure-washed or scrubbed down with vinegar and water, then dried with another cloth. Stainless steel cages are easy to maintain though because the material resists bacterial formation
Again, the expense might be over the top, but for a pet lover, the best is rightly so.
Cockatiels As Pets - Best Practices to Prepare Yourself For New Cockatiel at Home
One of the popular birds preferred for a pet is the cockatiel. Pet enthusiasts have given consideration on cockatiels as pets primarily because of these birds' behavior and qualities. They are also known as little parrots with diverse color patterns and of course, a crest. Cockatiels are attractive, easy-to-tame and affable. With their size, some are convinced that they are easy to handle.
Any pet aficionado will adore raising cockatiels as pets because they simply are entertaining because of their specially ability in mimicking speech that they hear or taught upon. Quite the opposite, these birds are comparatively good in whistling several melodies that they either hear from or get taught as well. With these, you now know what type of talking parrots appear in some shows.
Should you choose cockatiels as pets, single out a hand-fed cockatiel that you can also supervise regularly. The prices of cockatiels differ depending on its color. Well, you can expect to shell out more amount of money for a cockatiel from decent breeders than getting from a pet store. But then, any expenditure of a good handled cockatiel is worth it.
Cockatiels as pets are obtainable from pet shops. Preferably, choose an active one. A cockatiel which quietly sits might be feeling sick and should be passed up by buyers. Their feathers should be supple, shiny and lays flat on their body. Feathers should be clean and dry. Look at their feet as their feet scales ought to be smooth. Their nails and nostrils must be in great condition and their beak should be well-shaped.
A proper cockatiel cage is another major thing to think about cockatiels as pets. Because of their playfulness, they have to be endowed with an ample-spaced cage. It should be at a minimum of 26 inches height and 20x20 inches width. Its spacing should not go over æ inches. Horizontal cages regularly provide a great way them to keep fit and climb perches. Few spaces should be provided as perches.
Cockatiels as pets entail giving suitable nourishment. Bird seeds are beneficial aspects of a cockatiel's diet. The problem is that they have high fat content. So, seeds must be given moderately. Experts can suggest a mere 30% of it. Conversely, pelleted diets are typically fine choices for birds as they are balanced and best of all, birds don't pick a favorite seed to eat a favorite kernel then just put down the remaining seeds.
Any pet aficionado will adore raising cockatiels as pets because they simply are entertaining because of their specially ability in mimicking speech that they hear or taught upon. Quite the opposite, these birds are comparatively good in whistling several melodies that they either hear from or get taught as well. With these, you now know what type of talking parrots appear in some shows.
Should you choose cockatiels as pets, single out a hand-fed cockatiel that you can also supervise regularly. The prices of cockatiels differ depending on its color. Well, you can expect to shell out more amount of money for a cockatiel from decent breeders than getting from a pet store. But then, any expenditure of a good handled cockatiel is worth it.
Cockatiels as pets are obtainable from pet shops. Preferably, choose an active one. A cockatiel which quietly sits might be feeling sick and should be passed up by buyers. Their feathers should be supple, shiny and lays flat on their body. Feathers should be clean and dry. Look at their feet as their feet scales ought to be smooth. Their nails and nostrils must be in great condition and their beak should be well-shaped.
A proper cockatiel cage is another major thing to think about cockatiels as pets. Because of their playfulness, they have to be endowed with an ample-spaced cage. It should be at a minimum of 26 inches height and 20x20 inches width. Its spacing should not go over æ inches. Horizontal cages regularly provide a great way them to keep fit and climb perches. Few spaces should be provided as perches.
Cockatiels as pets entail giving suitable nourishment. Bird seeds are beneficial aspects of a cockatiel's diet. The problem is that they have high fat content. So, seeds must be given moderately. Experts can suggest a mere 30% of it. Conversely, pelleted diets are typically fine choices for birds as they are balanced and best of all, birds don't pick a favorite seed to eat a favorite kernel then just put down the remaining seeds.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Cat Behavior - Feral Cats
If you're not quite sure what feral cat behavior is, here's a pretty good definition. A feral cat is one that has escaped from domestication and returned, partly or wholly, to a wild state. In other words, it's a cat that has gone "wild" or has been born and raised in the wild.
Some incredibly inhumane people assume their cats will survive when they move away and leave them behind. Contrary to popular belief, the behavior of domestic cats will not automatically return to the "natural" instinctive state. Therefore it has to be understood that under these circumstances, cats cannot automatically fend for themselves! Many end up starving, abused or becoming food for predators.
Cats that exhibit this type behavior are elusive and do not trust humans. And since these cats are primarily the "wild" offspring of domestic cats that are non-neutered or spayed, that have been abandoned, these animals when left alone will breed uncontrollably.
The behavioral habits of non-neutered cats, especially males, makes them unwelcome. A pair of cats capable of breeding can have two or more litters per year, over a seven-year period can exponentially produce 420,000 offspring.
What's more, the feral cat colonies may act as reservoirs of disease which can be transmitted to your domestic pet cat when they interact with feral cats. In some countries there is also the fear of feral cat colonies spreading rabies and affecting humans.
There are government groups and privatized coalitions that are asked to help control such colonies through trap-neuter-return programs. These groups often encounter feral kittens during trapping. Since kittens attract more attention and sympathy from people than do adult cats, these groups find themselves in possession of spitty, hissy kittens which need to be tamed and homed.
It has been estimated by highly skilled groups that specialize in taming and reintroducing the feral cat to domestics that the average life span of a feral cat is less than two years on their own.
The good news; it has been proven that any cat can be re-domesticated given the right circumstances and enough time. To expedite this process, feral cat behavior has been separated into three classes. This classification program was done in an effort to better understand how to approach these cats and determine which cats would be the easiest to re-domesticate.
Some incredibly inhumane people assume their cats will survive when they move away and leave them behind. Contrary to popular belief, the behavior of domestic cats will not automatically return to the "natural" instinctive state. Therefore it has to be understood that under these circumstances, cats cannot automatically fend for themselves! Many end up starving, abused or becoming food for predators.
Cats that exhibit this type behavior are elusive and do not trust humans. And since these cats are primarily the "wild" offspring of domestic cats that are non-neutered or spayed, that have been abandoned, these animals when left alone will breed uncontrollably.
The behavioral habits of non-neutered cats, especially males, makes them unwelcome. A pair of cats capable of breeding can have two or more litters per year, over a seven-year period can exponentially produce 420,000 offspring.
What's more, the feral cat colonies may act as reservoirs of disease which can be transmitted to your domestic pet cat when they interact with feral cats. In some countries there is also the fear of feral cat colonies spreading rabies and affecting humans.
There are government groups and privatized coalitions that are asked to help control such colonies through trap-neuter-return programs. These groups often encounter feral kittens during trapping. Since kittens attract more attention and sympathy from people than do adult cats, these groups find themselves in possession of spitty, hissy kittens which need to be tamed and homed.
It has been estimated by highly skilled groups that specialize in taming and reintroducing the feral cat to domestics that the average life span of a feral cat is less than two years on their own.
The good news; it has been proven that any cat can be re-domesticated given the right circumstances and enough time. To expedite this process, feral cat behavior has been separated into three classes. This classification program was done in an effort to better understand how to approach these cats and determine which cats would be the easiest to re-domesticate.
All About Ragdoll Cats
Is the Ragdoll the perfect pet? If you're unfamiliar with the Ragdoll cat breed you are in for a treat. This mellow and outgoing feline is quickly becoming of the most popular cat breeds, and for good reason.
History of the Ragdoll
The most widely accepted belief is that the Ragdoll breed originated back in the 1960's by a woman named Ann Baker, located in Riverside California. The breed was selectively bred over several years for specific traits, such as a large size, gentle temperament, and a tendency to go limp when held.
Physical Characteristics
The Ragdoll large in size and the body is usually stocky with short legs, and large in size compared with other cat breeds. The Ragdoll is listed with Guinness book of world records as the largest cat, with males ranging 12-20 pounds, and females averaging 10-15 pounds.
They have long, thick fur coats and markings that resemble a Siamese. There are four marking patterns: bi-color, van, mitted and pointed. They also usually come in six colors: seal, blue, chocolate, lilac, red, and cream. Points may be solid, lynx, or tortie. All Ragdolls also have piercing blue eyes that are a popular trait among owners.
Some people describe that Ragdoll has having a 'doglike' personality and this is absolutely true. They love to follow their owners around and crave attention. Their personality is laid back and they are content watching and observing whatever you are doing. They have been known to play ball or fetch and enjoy lots of activity. Ragdolls make excellent family pets and are really good with children and other animals.
As mentioned before, some Ragdolls will 'go limp' when you pick them up and hold them in your arms. They also like to lie on their backs with all four paws in the air displaying their general easy going nature. Due to their mellow personality, Ragdoll should be kept inside as much as possible. Ragdolls may have a hard time defending themselves to outside threats for this reason.
Care Guidelines
Ragdoll cats are generally easy to care for and have a smooth long coat that should be brushed a few times a week at minimum. Regular food and water is important, just like with any pet. Make sure to have toys and a scratching post at minimum to keep them occupied when you are not around. Claws should be clipped on a regular basis and you should establish a relationship with a good vet for regular checkups and vaccinations.
Locating Ragdoll Cats
Ragdolls are a special breed, and you should expect to pay a fair amount of money to get one. Prices of $400 or more are very common, especially from a reputable breeder that has kittens from champion bloodlines. Make sure to get registered papers and a health guarantee from any breeder you deal with.
Ten Tips For Cat Car Travel
Many pet owners consider their animals to be part of the family. Therefore, it is unsurprising that some cat owners wish to include their feline friends in trips and vacations. On the other hand, a car journey may be a necessity, for example when taking your cat to the vet.
However, some cats make very reluctant passengers. If your pet is an anxious traveler or you are new to cat ownership, these ten tips may help to acclimatize your cat to traveling by car.
1. Firstly, it is crucial that a cat has a travel crate or carrier. This is important even if your pet is relaxed during car journeys, because a loose animal may cause a distraction to the driver and, in the event of an accident, could cause severe injury to your pet.
2. Before purchasing a travel carrier, it is important that you consider the size of your cat and equipment that you may wish to place in the carrier. It is always a good idea to ensure that your cat can lie down, stand up and turn around in the carrier, but you may also like to consider space for a small litter tray, and perhaps a toy to help relax your pet.
3. It is advisable to purchase a water bottle for your travel carrier, because a bowl can easily spill in transit. Alternatively, you should be prepared to make several stops in order for your cat to have a drink.
4. When taking breaks, it is a good idea to allow your cat a chance to stretch his, or her, legs. However, owners should be careful to ensure that their pet cannot make a run for it. Therefore, you may like to consider purchasing a leash to keep your feline safe.
5. You may find that your cat suffers from motion sickness and is, therefore, an uneasy passenger. In these circumstances, there are some medications, which will ease the symptoms of nausea and mild anxiety, available that can be administered to the cat in his, or her, drinking water prior to the time of travel.
6. However, if your cat's symptoms are more severe, you may find it beneficial to visit your veterinarian. Vets can prescribe more powerful medication, which is intended to reduce the more acute symptoms.
7. Some very long journeys require an overnight stop. Unsurprisingly, owners are advised to plan their stop prior to travel to ensure that their pet will be welcome too.
8. Overnight stops can cause problems, however. Often cats that have had an opportunity to spend the night in a cozy hotel will not be eager to return to the travel carrier in the morning. You may find it very difficult to coax your cat from a hiding place. Therefore, it is wise to give yourself time for this eventuality, so you will not overrun your checkout time.
9. If you have brought new equipment for your journey, it is advisable to allow your pet to become accustomed to it before use. In other words, place the carrier, litter tray and leash in reach of your cat. Additionally, you may find it helpful to practice using the new equipment with your feline companion.
10. With a new cat, or one that suffers from travel anxiety, it is a good idea to acclimatize your pet to the notion of traveling in small stages. For example, you may find it useful to place your cat in its carrier and sit in the car with it, but not start or move the car. If the cat responds well, you should try to take him, or her, on a 5-10 minute trip. Gradually increase the length of your car journeys, until your cat is completely comfortable with car travel.
Of course, some cats are just too fearful of traveling for this advice to be of any use. If attempts to desensitize your cat have failed, it may be kinder to ask a friend, neighbor or relative to look after your pet while you are away.
However, some cats make very reluctant passengers. If your pet is an anxious traveler or you are new to cat ownership, these ten tips may help to acclimatize your cat to traveling by car.
1. Firstly, it is crucial that a cat has a travel crate or carrier. This is important even if your pet is relaxed during car journeys, because a loose animal may cause a distraction to the driver and, in the event of an accident, could cause severe injury to your pet.
2. Before purchasing a travel carrier, it is important that you consider the size of your cat and equipment that you may wish to place in the carrier. It is always a good idea to ensure that your cat can lie down, stand up and turn around in the carrier, but you may also like to consider space for a small litter tray, and perhaps a toy to help relax your pet.
3. It is advisable to purchase a water bottle for your travel carrier, because a bowl can easily spill in transit. Alternatively, you should be prepared to make several stops in order for your cat to have a drink.
4. When taking breaks, it is a good idea to allow your cat a chance to stretch his, or her, legs. However, owners should be careful to ensure that their pet cannot make a run for it. Therefore, you may like to consider purchasing a leash to keep your feline safe.
5. You may find that your cat suffers from motion sickness and is, therefore, an uneasy passenger. In these circumstances, there are some medications, which will ease the symptoms of nausea and mild anxiety, available that can be administered to the cat in his, or her, drinking water prior to the time of travel.
6. However, if your cat's symptoms are more severe, you may find it beneficial to visit your veterinarian. Vets can prescribe more powerful medication, which is intended to reduce the more acute symptoms.
7. Some very long journeys require an overnight stop. Unsurprisingly, owners are advised to plan their stop prior to travel to ensure that their pet will be welcome too.
8. Overnight stops can cause problems, however. Often cats that have had an opportunity to spend the night in a cozy hotel will not be eager to return to the travel carrier in the morning. You may find it very difficult to coax your cat from a hiding place. Therefore, it is wise to give yourself time for this eventuality, so you will not overrun your checkout time.
9. If you have brought new equipment for your journey, it is advisable to allow your pet to become accustomed to it before use. In other words, place the carrier, litter tray and leash in reach of your cat. Additionally, you may find it helpful to practice using the new equipment with your feline companion.
10. With a new cat, or one that suffers from travel anxiety, it is a good idea to acclimatize your pet to the notion of traveling in small stages. For example, you may find it useful to place your cat in its carrier and sit in the car with it, but not start or move the car. If the cat responds well, you should try to take him, or her, on a 5-10 minute trip. Gradually increase the length of your car journeys, until your cat is completely comfortable with car travel.
Of course, some cats are just too fearful of traveling for this advice to be of any use. If attempts to desensitize your cat have failed, it may be kinder to ask a friend, neighbor or relative to look after your pet while you are away.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tips on Neon Tetra Care and Breeding
Neon tetras or Paracheirodon innesi are members of the family Characidae. Characidae are commonly referred to as Characins. This species is native to southeastern Columbia, eastern Peru, and western Brazil, including the tributaries of Solimoes. They can be found in black water or clear water streams.
Neon tetras and cardinal tetras look very similar in appearance. Put them in the same aquarium together and most people wouldn't be aware they are two different species. Both have metallic neon blue upper bodies and a brilliant red stripe in the center of their bodies. This stripe is found mid-body running to back the tail in neons. The stripe runs the entire length of a cardinal's body.
Both neons and cardinals are a favorite among the freshwater aquarist who prefers smaller aquarium set ups because of their intense color palette. They really brighten up a desktop aquarium.
Tetras make good community fish as long as the other members of the community are all smaller varieties. These fish are slender bodied fish that only reach 1.5 inches fully grown. A large adult fish can swallow one whole as a snack. They tend to be a shy species so give them with plenty of plants and aquarium décor to hide in. This will also provide sanctuary from more aggressive fish.
Water in South America is slightly acidic, around pH 6.8. Water temperature ranges from70-79°F. Your fish will thrive in similar conditions.
These are mid-tank swimmers. They are shoaling fish. Shoaling fish do not cope well when isolated from other members of their own species. Many will not survive in solitude. It is advisable to have at least four neons in your aquarium.
This species is omnivorous. They are perfectly cable of surviving on common tropical fish flakes.
Males and females look pretty much the same. Female body tends to be a little fuller. This is more apparent when she is carrying eggs.
Breeding Neon Tetras
All tetras are egg layers. They will spawn in captivity. Feeding them a diet high in protein will help initiate the spawning cycle. Brine shrimp, tubifex or bloodworms will help achieve the desired results. They will not breed in hard, alkaline water. Slightly acidic water between pH 6.0-6.2 is conducive to spawning.
If you are unable to sex your neons, place the entire group in a properly prepare breeding tank. Water filtered through peat or a small layer added to the substrate will simulate optimum breeding conditions. Make sure there are no chemical additives or fertilizers on the peat.
The breeding tank should have an abundance of floating plants. Hornwort will work just fine. Keep the breeding tank in a dimly lit room.
Neon tetras will scatter their eggs. Once spawning is complete all the adults should be promptly removed from the tank. Egg layers are known to feast on their un-hatched eggs.
Fry will hatch in about 24 hours. They will be free swimming in a couple of days. Once they are free swimming they, can be fed infusoria or some other liquid fry food formulated for egg layers. When they get a little bigger switch their diet to newly hatched brine shrimp, powdered fry food or powdered eggs.
Neon tetras and cardinal tetras look very similar in appearance. Put them in the same aquarium together and most people wouldn't be aware they are two different species. Both have metallic neon blue upper bodies and a brilliant red stripe in the center of their bodies. This stripe is found mid-body running to back the tail in neons. The stripe runs the entire length of a cardinal's body.
Both neons and cardinals are a favorite among the freshwater aquarist who prefers smaller aquarium set ups because of their intense color palette. They really brighten up a desktop aquarium.
Tetras make good community fish as long as the other members of the community are all smaller varieties. These fish are slender bodied fish that only reach 1.5 inches fully grown. A large adult fish can swallow one whole as a snack. They tend to be a shy species so give them with plenty of plants and aquarium décor to hide in. This will also provide sanctuary from more aggressive fish.
Water in South America is slightly acidic, around pH 6.8. Water temperature ranges from70-79°F. Your fish will thrive in similar conditions.
These are mid-tank swimmers. They are shoaling fish. Shoaling fish do not cope well when isolated from other members of their own species. Many will not survive in solitude. It is advisable to have at least four neons in your aquarium.
This species is omnivorous. They are perfectly cable of surviving on common tropical fish flakes.
Males and females look pretty much the same. Female body tends to be a little fuller. This is more apparent when she is carrying eggs.
Breeding Neon Tetras
All tetras are egg layers. They will spawn in captivity. Feeding them a diet high in protein will help initiate the spawning cycle. Brine shrimp, tubifex or bloodworms will help achieve the desired results. They will not breed in hard, alkaline water. Slightly acidic water between pH 6.0-6.2 is conducive to spawning.
If you are unable to sex your neons, place the entire group in a properly prepare breeding tank. Water filtered through peat or a small layer added to the substrate will simulate optimum breeding conditions. Make sure there are no chemical additives or fertilizers on the peat.
The breeding tank should have an abundance of floating plants. Hornwort will work just fine. Keep the breeding tank in a dimly lit room.
Neon tetras will scatter their eggs. Once spawning is complete all the adults should be promptly removed from the tank. Egg layers are known to feast on their un-hatched eggs.
Fry will hatch in about 24 hours. They will be free swimming in a couple of days. Once they are free swimming they, can be fed infusoria or some other liquid fry food formulated for egg layers. When they get a little bigger switch their diet to newly hatched brine shrimp, powdered fry food or powdered eggs.
Tips on Pearl Gourami Care and Spawning
The pearl gourami or Trichogaster leeri is a member of the family Belontiidae. Pearl Gouramis inhabit the lowland swap waters of Sumatra, Borneo, Malaysia and Thailand.
All gouramis belong to the suborder Anabantid. The members of this suborder evolved in poorly oxygenated environments. They subsequently developed an auxiliary breathing apparatus in addition to their gills. This lung-like organ, the labyrinth organ, allows them to breathe atmospheric oxygen. At some point in the evolutionary process they became dependent on both as a means of survival. They will die without a combination of dissolved and airborne oxygen. This is why they are frequently seen at the water's surface.
Unlike the paradise fish, the pearl gourami is a timid creature. They are good additions to a community tank if they are provided with plants, rocks and aquarium décor in which to hide. There optimum water condition is a neutral pH with a water temperature around 78 °F.
Pearl gouramis reach a length of approximately 5 inches and have a life expectancy of 5 years.
They are omnivorous. But they tend to function better on a balanced variety of tropical fish flakes and protein whether freeze-dried, frozen or live.
This species is sexually dimorphic, meaning each sex possesses traits specific to their gender such as size and coloration. Males are typically larger and more colorful than females. The males also exhibit an orange tinge to their fins with the exception of the tail fin. Males have a bright orange region around their throat area. This distinctive coloring is not present in juveniles. It develops as the fish reaches sexual maturity. The color intensifies prior to spawning and is used to attract the female of the species.
Breeding Gouramis
Gouramis have a natural inclination to pair up. Gouramis spawn in still water in their natural habitat. Turn the filter capacity in your breeding tank down prior to spawning. The color of the male's throat region will indicate that he is ready to spawn. A sponge filter works well to simulate mating conditions. And you have the added bonus of not having to worry about the fry getting sucked up into the filter.
Provide plants for the breeding tank. The male will use his labyrinth to build a bubble nest on the water's surface. He will use some of the provided plant matter to help the nest stay together.
Gouramis instinctively spawn underneath the bubble nest. Once fertilization occurs, the male gourami will gather up the eggs with his mouth and spit them into the bubble nest to mature.
Remove the female gourami from the breeding tank after they have spawned. It is the male's job to tend to the nest. He will guard and care for the eggs until they hatch. You will find the male a very attentive custodian of his future offspring.
The fry will hatch in approximately 24 hours. They will be free swimming in 2-3 days. It is now time to remove the male to insure that he does not eat the fry. Once free swimming, the fry can be fed infusoria, or rotifers. When they get about a week old feed them powdered fry food, or newly hatched brine shrimp. An economical alternative is powdered eggs. Make sure not to over feed the fry or you will foul up the water in your tank.
All gouramis belong to the suborder Anabantid. The members of this suborder evolved in poorly oxygenated environments. They subsequently developed an auxiliary breathing apparatus in addition to their gills. This lung-like organ, the labyrinth organ, allows them to breathe atmospheric oxygen. At some point in the evolutionary process they became dependent on both as a means of survival. They will die without a combination of dissolved and airborne oxygen. This is why they are frequently seen at the water's surface.
Unlike the paradise fish, the pearl gourami is a timid creature. They are good additions to a community tank if they are provided with plants, rocks and aquarium décor in which to hide. There optimum water condition is a neutral pH with a water temperature around 78 °F.
Pearl gouramis reach a length of approximately 5 inches and have a life expectancy of 5 years.
They are omnivorous. But they tend to function better on a balanced variety of tropical fish flakes and protein whether freeze-dried, frozen or live.
This species is sexually dimorphic, meaning each sex possesses traits specific to their gender such as size and coloration. Males are typically larger and more colorful than females. The males also exhibit an orange tinge to their fins with the exception of the tail fin. Males have a bright orange region around their throat area. This distinctive coloring is not present in juveniles. It develops as the fish reaches sexual maturity. The color intensifies prior to spawning and is used to attract the female of the species.
Breeding Gouramis
Gouramis have a natural inclination to pair up. Gouramis spawn in still water in their natural habitat. Turn the filter capacity in your breeding tank down prior to spawning. The color of the male's throat region will indicate that he is ready to spawn. A sponge filter works well to simulate mating conditions. And you have the added bonus of not having to worry about the fry getting sucked up into the filter.
Provide plants for the breeding tank. The male will use his labyrinth to build a bubble nest on the water's surface. He will use some of the provided plant matter to help the nest stay together.
Gouramis instinctively spawn underneath the bubble nest. Once fertilization occurs, the male gourami will gather up the eggs with his mouth and spit them into the bubble nest to mature.
Remove the female gourami from the breeding tank after they have spawned. It is the male's job to tend to the nest. He will guard and care for the eggs until they hatch. You will find the male a very attentive custodian of his future offspring.
The fry will hatch in approximately 24 hours. They will be free swimming in 2-3 days. It is now time to remove the male to insure that he does not eat the fry. Once free swimming, the fry can be fed infusoria, or rotifers. When they get about a week old feed them powdered fry food, or newly hatched brine shrimp. An economical alternative is powdered eggs. Make sure not to over feed the fry or you will foul up the water in your tank.
Tips on Pearl Danio Care and Spawning
Pearl danio or Brachydanio albolineatus are members of the family Cyprinidae. Other members of this family include tiger barbs, koi, goldfish and freshwater sharks. Pearl danios are native to Sumatra, Burma and Thailand. They inhabit clear watered rivers and hill streams.
Pearl Danio received their name because of their iridescent bodies. They shimmer like a pearl, especially under bright aquarium light. They come in various colors including pink, silver, brownish-yellow and striped. There is also a variety marketed as golden danio. These are actually semi-albinos.
Danios are peaceful, schooling fish that make for good community fish. It should be explained that schooling fish are a type of shoaling fish. Shoaling fish live in a community with other members of their species. Schooling fish not only ban together but also swim in the same direction. In either case, you should add a minimum of four to your fish tank. Social fish were not intended to live a solitary existence. Danios swim at all levels of the aquarium.
Pearls are an extremely hardy fish. They would make the perfect choice for a beginning aquarist. Because they are schooling fish and should be kept in a group, a minimum tank size of 20 gallons is recommended if you intend to have a community tank. If you plan having a mono-species tank can get away with a smaller aquarium. In their natural habitat they are accustomed to the moving water of streams and rivers. A high capacity filter will mimic this movement adequately. And on a final note: Pearls are jumpers. They should only be kept in a lidded aquarium. Follow these rules as a newbie aquarium owner and you are sure to have healthy, happy fish.
These fish are native to tropical climates and thrive in neutral water. Acceptable pH levels are 6.8-7.2. Water temperature should range from 68-78 °F. They will grow to 2.5 inches in length and have an average life span of 5 years but have been reported to live as long as 10.
Pearls are omnivorous. They can survive just fine on common variety tropical fish flakes.
Male and females are similar in appearance. Males tend to be a little more colorful and female bodies slightly more rounded. Body fullness is accentuated if the female is carrying eggs.
Breeding Pearl Danio
If you wish to spawn danios and are unable to sex the, place the entire group in a breeding tank with an abundance of fine-leafed plants.
Danios are egg layers. They scatter their eggs. Most egg-scatterers will eat their own eggs if given a chance. The purpose of the plants is to capture the eggs. Another handy trick is to put a layer of marbles on the bottom of the breeding tank. The eggs that are not captured by the plants will sink down to the bottom falling between the marbles. This will prevent the adults from getting to them. Once spawning is complete, the adults should be removed from the tank.
Fry will hatch in 36-40 hours. After they become free swimming they can be fed infusoria or liquid fry food. There are both liquid and powdered fry foods formulated specifically for egg layers. In about a week change their diet to newly hatched brine shrimp, powdered fry food, or powdered eggs.
Breeding Convict Cichlids
Convict Cichlids (Archocentrus nigrofasciatus) also know as Zebra Cichlids (due to their 8-9 black, vertical, Zebra-like stripes) are very popular specie of Cichlids. They are one of the easiest Cichlids to take care of and adult convict Cichlids are know to be very attentive parents which also makes them a lot easier to breed then other species of tropical fish.
Although they require minimal supervision during the breeding stage you still have to do a couple of things before they start breeding. Here are just the basics you need to know for breeding of convict Cichlids:
Set the right breeding environment: Make sure that the water temperature does not exceed 80 degrees Fahrenheit; ideal range is between 74 to 78 degrees. Replace 10-15% of water in the fish tank everyday day to make sure that the water ammonia levels are low.
Feed the adult convict Cichlids with variety of protein rich food: Feeding your adult Convict Cichlids with protein-rich food is very important in the breeding stage. The basic source of food should be flakes but also add live food once in a while such as dried blood worms or live black worms.
Provide conditions for laying eggs: Convicts need to dig out a cave in the gravel to lay eggs. Make sure your gravel does not consist of stones too big for the Cichlids to move around.
Monitor the pH of the water: Convict Cichlids cannot reproduce in acidic water with pH under 7. They need slightly alkaline water. Always keep the pH above 7 but below 8.
Although they require minimal supervision during the breeding stage you still have to do a couple of things before they start breeding. Here are just the basics you need to know for breeding of convict Cichlids:
Set the right breeding environment: Make sure that the water temperature does not exceed 80 degrees Fahrenheit; ideal range is between 74 to 78 degrees. Replace 10-15% of water in the fish tank everyday day to make sure that the water ammonia levels are low.
Feed the adult convict Cichlids with variety of protein rich food: Feeding your adult Convict Cichlids with protein-rich food is very important in the breeding stage. The basic source of food should be flakes but also add live food once in a while such as dried blood worms or live black worms.
Provide conditions for laying eggs: Convicts need to dig out a cave in the gravel to lay eggs. Make sure your gravel does not consist of stones too big for the Cichlids to move around.
Monitor the pH of the water: Convict Cichlids cannot reproduce in acidic water with pH under 7. They need slightly alkaline water. Always keep the pH above 7 but below 8.
Live Aquarium Plants - Background Plants
In an aquarium, background plants refer to those plants that are normally placed at the rear of the aquarium. These aquarium plants are usually taller plants with longer stems or leaves. They are placed at the rear of the aquarium for mainly two reasons. Firstly, they enhance the appearance of the aquarium background scene. Secondly, they help to conceal unsightly items such as filter tubes and heaters at the rear of the fish tank. Sometimes, these aquarium plants are placed at the front corners of the fish tank to the further enhance the overall appearance. Some common background plants are described below.
Fanwort (Cabomba caroliniana)

Elodea (Egeria densa)
Elodea is a popular aquatic plant. It is fast-growing and can grow to a height of about 50cm. It is a suitable plant for beginners. Growing the Elodea has many benefits. Firstly, it is easy to keep as it survives well in a wide range of conditions. Secondly, it grows very thick if kept in bright lighting and thus, is an excellent plant for filling up spaces. Thirdly, it secretes substances that help to prevent algae growth. Fourthly, Elodea is known to remove great amounts of nitrates. Hence, it helps to purify the water. Lastly, a small piece of the plant can actually regenerate to become a new plant within a short period of time.
Amazon Sword (Echinodorus bleheri)
The plant derives its name 'Amazon Sword' from the fact that it grows in Amazon and the shape of its leaves is similar to that of the blade of a sword. This beautiful plant can greatly enhance your aquarium decor, especially when it blooms. Echinodorus bleheri lives well in moderate lighting. However, a point you need to note is that Echinodorus bleheri has large roots and thus, it needs additional fertilizers for it to grow well. Also, if you placed this plant in your aquarium, you need to ensure that the large roots of the plant do not choke out other plants.
Fanwort (Cabomba caroliniana)
Cabomba caroliniana is a fine-feathered plant which is light green in colour. This aquarium plant looks stunning when planted in groups of three or more. It grows fast and lives well in bright lighting. It can grow up to a maximum height of about 50cm. Cabomba caroliniana is one of the most common species available and fairly easy to keep. An advantage of having this plant in the fish tank is that it is good for filling up spaces and hiding areas at the background. Another advantage is that it can be used to capture the eggs scattered by fishes. The majority of community fish kept in aquariums uses the egg-scattering method for their reproduction. The disadvantage with this aquarium plant is that fish loves to nibble on it and its leaves come of very easily. Thus, you will often find many leaves floating around in your planted aquarium.
Elodea (Egeria densa)
Elodea is a popular aquatic plant. It is fast-growing and can grow to a height of about 50cm. It is a suitable plant for beginners. Growing the Elodea has many benefits. Firstly, it is easy to keep as it survives well in a wide range of conditions. Secondly, it grows very thick if kept in bright lighting and thus, is an excellent plant for filling up spaces. Thirdly, it secretes substances that help to prevent algae growth. Fourthly, Elodea is known to remove great amounts of nitrates. Hence, it helps to purify the water. Lastly, a small piece of the plant can actually regenerate to become a new plant within a short period of time.
Amazon Sword (Echinodorus bleheri)
The plant derives its name 'Amazon Sword' from the fact that it grows in Amazon and the shape of its leaves is similar to that of the blade of a sword. This beautiful plant can greatly enhance your aquarium decor, especially when it blooms. Echinodorus bleheri lives well in moderate lighting. However, a point you need to note is that Echinodorus bleheri has large roots and thus, it needs additional fertilizers for it to grow well. Also, if you placed this plant in your aquarium, you need to ensure that the large roots of the plant do not choke out other plants.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Dog Food Aggression - Is it a Myth?
While it seems like an obvious sign of distress, dog food aggression is a serious problem that is growing out of control in the United States. More shelter dogs are put to sleep thanks to this behavioral problem than any other. Personality tests consist of dog food aggression tests, and a failure means an automatic failure, even if every other aspect of the dog is perfectly acceptable. Aggression in all forms is unacceptable in our dogs but there are ways to prevent and cure it.
Preventative measures are highly recommended for any puppy or new shelter dog. Starting good behaviors right off the bat is an easier avenue than fixing bad behaviors once they are a problem. Leadership is a necessary element in curbing any dog's food aggression problems.
A dog that has been previously starved will have a much higher tendency toward dog food aggression than one that has always had a constant supply of food. Some dogs will figure out that they no longer have to guard their resources when they realize that they have security in the midst of everything else. Others need a reminder that they are not in charge.
Make sure before every feeding that your dog sits and waits for you to fill the bowl, put it down, walk away, and give him a command to eat. This lets him know that you are the boss of his food. Take precautions with a dog who has shown any type of aggression around food. Make sure that he receives his meals alone and in a quiet place. Children and other dogs are too unpredictable to help a dog get over his aggressive tendencies.
Do not feed the dog table scraps or any other form of people food. Keep him away from meal time for the humans. He needs a direct distinction between his food and yours. Do not permit children to run around with food around the dog.
He doesn't get to continue eating if he becomes aggressive. Take the food bowl away calmly without entering his eating space and correct his behavior immediately. Make him sit or lie down yet again. He must go through the entire command and release process each and every time if you are going to make progress. Getting angry or teasing him even just once will blow all of your hard work and you will be back beyond ground zero.
Make him sit and calm down before returning the bowl. Never use your hands. Push it back with the yard stick. In order to prevent this type of aggression, you should always make sure your dog is in the seated position and waits for you to release him before eating. This teaches him that you are the boss of when he eats, so being aggressive with you will never get him the meal he wants.
Make sure that you are not giving him mixed signals. Dog food aggression is a serious problem with devastating consequences. You have to be the one to remain consistent and keep training him to behave for his food. Over time you should start to notice that he understands that there is nothing for him to get worried about. If you are truly his leader, he will know that you will provide food for him.
What is the Best Kind of Toy For My Dog?
Let's face it; there are millions of different kinds and varieties of dog toys on the market. How do you know what to choose?
First, you need to decide what kind of toy you are going for. Are you looking for a cheap toy that your dog can destroy or are you looking for an indestructible dog toy that they can't? Are you looking for a challenging toy that will make them think and keep them busy or are you looking for a toy to be used in the water?
Cheap dog toys can be found anywhere, while they are good for a dog that just tears it up right away, wouldn't it make more sense to get a toy that is durable and lasts longer? While these durable toys may cost more initially, in the long run they are actually more cost effective because you buy less of them.
Durable Dog Toys are hard to find, but there are options out there. Toys such as the Goughnut as guaranteed, so even if your dog does destroy it, you can get a replacement one for free! Also Tuffy's brand dog toy have a scale of 1-10, 10 being the toughest. They are stitched many times so that your dog can not tear it apart. Dog toy made out of fire hose are also very tough and perfect for dogs that manage to chew through them a lot. There are also Tuff Balls tennis balls that are very durable and non toxic, unlike many dog toys out there.
Interactive dog toys are good for dogs that have a never stopping mind and need something to keep them busy. Toys such as the Treatstik and Canine Genius Leos are made to have food and treats put in them and then your dog has to work to get it out. The Nina Ottosson dog toys are puzzle dog toys that your dog has to work to get rewards. They come in many levels so whether your dog is a beginner or advanced, there is a level for them that will keep them occupied. The Hide a Toy series (puzzle dog toys) are good for dogs that like to tear apart toys- they allow you to put the toy back together after your dog thinks they have destroyed it!
Tug and fetching Toys need to be durable and long lasting. The Pentapulls from Doggles are a high quality toy that can stand up to the rigors of two dogs pulling on it. Water wubbas can be used for playing fetch on the lake; they are large and brightly colored!
Stuffing less dog toys are good for dogs that main purpose when they get a toy is to rip out all of the stuffing. They look just like an average dog toy, but they do not contain stuffing, thus dogs do not have the want to tear the toy apart and it will last longer.
First, you need to decide what kind of toy you are going for. Are you looking for a cheap toy that your dog can destroy or are you looking for an indestructible dog toy that they can't? Are you looking for a challenging toy that will make them think and keep them busy or are you looking for a toy to be used in the water?
Cheap dog toys can be found anywhere, while they are good for a dog that just tears it up right away, wouldn't it make more sense to get a toy that is durable and lasts longer? While these durable toys may cost more initially, in the long run they are actually more cost effective because you buy less of them.
Durable Dog Toys are hard to find, but there are options out there. Toys such as the Goughnut as guaranteed, so even if your dog does destroy it, you can get a replacement one for free! Also Tuffy's brand dog toy have a scale of 1-10, 10 being the toughest. They are stitched many times so that your dog can not tear it apart. Dog toy made out of fire hose are also very tough and perfect for dogs that manage to chew through them a lot. There are also Tuff Balls tennis balls that are very durable and non toxic, unlike many dog toys out there.
Interactive dog toys are good for dogs that have a never stopping mind and need something to keep them busy. Toys such as the Treatstik and Canine Genius Leos are made to have food and treats put in them and then your dog has to work to get it out. The Nina Ottosson dog toys are puzzle dog toys that your dog has to work to get rewards. They come in many levels so whether your dog is a beginner or advanced, there is a level for them that will keep them occupied. The Hide a Toy series (puzzle dog toys) are good for dogs that like to tear apart toys- they allow you to put the toy back together after your dog thinks they have destroyed it!
Tug and fetching Toys need to be durable and long lasting. The Pentapulls from Doggles are a high quality toy that can stand up to the rigors of two dogs pulling on it. Water wubbas can be used for playing fetch on the lake; they are large and brightly colored!
Stuffing less dog toys are good for dogs that main purpose when they get a toy is to rip out all of the stuffing. They look just like an average dog toy, but they do not contain stuffing, thus dogs do not have the want to tear the toy apart and it will last longer.
How to Give Your Boston Terrier a Bath
Bathing needs not to be a difficult situation for either you or your dog. In fact my pair of Boston Terriers just love their bath time.
The first step is to prepare the bathroom. Lay out your shampoo and towels. Pull open the shower door or curtain.
The second step is to get the dog into the bathroom. I carry one of dogs to the bathroom and the other will follow me.
The third step is to get the dog into the bathtub. Often you will have to lift your dog in. I just pat the side of the tub and both my dogs will jump in.
The fourth step is to firmly grasp the shower head and point it away from the dogs.
The fifth step is to turn on the water. It should be warm but not hot. If you have bathed a baby before that is the right temperature.
The sixth step is to get the dog wet. With one hand, hold the dog's neck, and with the other the shower head. Slowly wet the dog. Be careful not to get water on the dog's face or in their ears. (I wash these with a damp cloth after I bathe them).
The seventh step is to turn the water off and put a small streak of doggy shampoo on their back. Never use human shampoo it may dry or irritate their skin.
The eighth step is to suds up the shampoo; work in slowly around their back. Next I wash the neck and front legs. Then I soap up the belly and back legs. Be very gentle around the dog's genitals and tail. These are very sensitive areas. Scrub firmly. Be sure to not miss any areas.
The ninth step is to rinse. Rinse and rinse again. You do not want to leave any soap on your dog.
The tenth step is to let the dog out of the tub. Let them shake.
The eleventh step is to take a damp cloth and wash the dog's face and ears. This is a very sensitive area so be extra gentle.
The twelfth step is to dry the dog with a towel. My dogs love this.
The last step is to let the dog out of the bathroom. My dogs run around like crazy. I usually take a bath next and rinse out the tub and sop up the floor.
Puppy Love - Dog Training Tricks
Got a new puppy? Excited to teach it how to sit, stay, fetch? Need a couple of dog training tricks to get your puppy to behave?
Taking care of a dog is a lot like taking care of kid. They're needy, helpless and quite clueless about everything. It takes a while for a dog to understand what you're trying to say to it ("No, pillows are for sleeping not chewing") and - unlike human babies - will never develop the capability to communicate with you through speech.
So, how can you possibly train your dog?
Remember the saying "it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks?" Well, that saying is very true. It is important that you start training your pup as soon as you can, otherwise it'll develop habits of its own that will be hard to break. I started training my dog a few days after I got him when he was less than three months old.
Dogs learn through good and bad experiences. That's why the "reward and punishment" system works best when dog training. If you want to teach your dog to sit, for example, make sure you have a bag of treats ready.
Hold a treat in your hand and hold it up at the dog's eye level, close enough for him to see it and far enough so he won't be able to snap at it. Say "sit" firmly. Raise the treat higher up until the dog assumes a sitting position. When he sits, reward him with the treat. Repeat until he learns to sit even without you holding a treat.
Once your pup has learned how to listen to you, start introducing some dog training tricks. Fetching sometimes comes naturally to some dogs, while others need to learn how to fetch. Take your dog to a fenced in yard and give him some treats while showing him how to run after the ball.
Other dog training tricks to start with are roll-over, paw-shaking, and playing dead. Always offer positive reinforcement and reward them with treats.
Finding the Perfect Beagle Puppy
When looking for your perfect beagle puppy, there are certain characteristics desirable to this breed. While all puppies are adorable, finding one with positive characteristics will help make sure you have a healthy and beautiful dog. Whether a pet quality animal or a show dog, the ideal characteristics in a puppy help ensure that the dog is true to its breeds abilities.
The beagle head is a slight dome shape, somewhat wide. It should have a defined stop, and not be snippy or pointy.
Long, rounded ears like the "Puppy in the Window" make the beagle distinguished from other breeds. They will hang close to the cheeks. When buying a puppy, check inside the ears for redness, odor, or marks. These might indicate an infection.
The ideal colors of the eyes are hazel to dark brown, with a friendly expression. There shouldn't be any yellow or red around the eyes.
As a hunting dog, the beagles coat should be dense and waterproof. Even though it is short, it will be rough when you touch it, and it sheds.
The conformation of the beagle should be a line that runs straight on top, from the withers to the tail. There will be well-sprung ribs, which makes sure the dog stays balanced.
The beagle tail should not curl over the back, nor hang down. The ideal dog will have a long tail that is carried high, completely covered with hair (but not feathered hair).
When looking for a beagle puppy, you should always ask to see the parents, since it's so difficult to get an accurate assessment of a puppy in growing stages. Using a reputable breeder that has dogs in clean and safe conditions, along with recommendations, are the best way to find a dog for your pet or showing needs.
The beagle head is a slight dome shape, somewhat wide. It should have a defined stop, and not be snippy or pointy.
Long, rounded ears like the "Puppy in the Window" make the beagle distinguished from other breeds. They will hang close to the cheeks. When buying a puppy, check inside the ears for redness, odor, or marks. These might indicate an infection.
The ideal colors of the eyes are hazel to dark brown, with a friendly expression. There shouldn't be any yellow or red around the eyes.
As a hunting dog, the beagles coat should be dense and waterproof. Even though it is short, it will be rough when you touch it, and it sheds.
The conformation of the beagle should be a line that runs straight on top, from the withers to the tail. There will be well-sprung ribs, which makes sure the dog stays balanced.
The beagle tail should not curl over the back, nor hang down. The ideal dog will have a long tail that is carried high, completely covered with hair (but not feathered hair).
When looking for a beagle puppy, you should always ask to see the parents, since it's so difficult to get an accurate assessment of a puppy in growing stages. Using a reputable breeder that has dogs in clean and safe conditions, along with recommendations, are the best way to find a dog for your pet or showing needs.
Friday, October 2, 2009
How to Care For Goldfish - 3 Stages of Caring For Goldfish
How to care for goldfish can be explained like doing a puzzle. If you are doing a puzzle, your desired outcome is to have a nice puzzle, and nice it needs to be. You don't want pieces to be on the wrong place, otherwise your puzzle will not be like it needs to be, you will not see what you want to see.
Caring for goldfish is the same, it's putting small pieces together. And the desired outcome can be healthy looking goldfish in a nice looking aquarium with nice plants, some nice accessories, rocks and many more things. When you do your puzzle, you probably know how it will look like because you've seen the front of the box. When you want to care for goldfish, you probably also know what you want, if I would ask you why you want a goldfishes, could you describe it for me?
That's a nice looking tank you want!!!
Stage 1
But to have a nice looking tank with healthy fish you need to know how to care for goldfish, you need to put the pieces together. Like in a puzzle, the first piece is already done, you know you want a nice looking tank with healthy fish. Now you need to know what kind of goldfish you want. There are different kinds of goldfish, and some of them can't be in the same tank.
The next step in stage 1 is to decide where you want to place your tank, and how big the tank needs to be. Don't place the tank in direct sunlight, air-conditioning vents, and heaters or it will influence the water temperature, the sun can warm up the water and that's not good for your goldfish.
When you decide all these things it's time for the next stage.
Stage 2
Now it's time to buy your equipment and aquarium, you will need a heater, filter, lights, gravel, food and a net to transfer the fish when needed.
After you bought everything it's time to install all of it. Be sure to wash the gravel with gravel washer. And buy only aquarium-safe products, because many things can be toxic for your goldfish.
Stage 3
At stage 3 you buy your goldfish, and put them in the tank with the floating method.
Now you have your beautiful goldfish aquarium. But that's not all, until now it was all easy, now comes the fun.
Maintaining your tank, now you will need to:
- maintain the water quality,
- feed your fish right, always at the same time and don't overfeed them,
- watch out for diseases,
- change weekly until 25% of the water, and
- wash every 2 weeks the whole aquarium.
But the most important part of all is to keep the water clean. Most goldfish diseases are caused by bad water quality. If you keep the water clean you will prevent most goldfish diseases and your goldfishes will for many years.
What You Need to Know About Koi Pond Filtration
The filter is the heart of your Koi pond. Koi pond filtration is the single most important function performed in your pond! It is what keeps the water clear and healthy for your fish.
One surefire method for having a Koi pond that fails is to spend all your hard earned money on installing a beautiful pond and then trying to save money on your filter.
A Koi pond filter serves two purposes. First, it serves as a mechanical filter that removes the organic waste produced by your fish along with anything else in the pond that would cloud the water.
Secondly, it serves as a biological filter by converting the ammonia produced by the fish into nitrites and eventually into nitrates which are less harmful to your Koi. Some filters are very high maintenance and require constant attention while others are quite easy to maintain.
The first thing you need to know when it comes to Koi pond filtration is that you can never have too big a filter. When selecting a filter, choosing one that is slightly large for your pond can turn out to be a very wise investment!
For any pond over 1000 gallons it is wise to use a pressurized biological sand or bead filter that can be back washed. There are pros and cons to each.
During the backwash portion of the operation sand, since it is heavier than water, falls to the bottom of the tank instead of flowing out through the valve with the waste. Plastic beads,since they are lighter than water, float to the top. As they are smaller than the valve-strainer's holes, they get washed out through the valve into the waste stream. More and more beads are lost during each backwash operation.
Bead filters also have limited efficiency. Smaller beads have more surface area for good bacteria colonization, but tend to get flushed out during the backwash procedure. This doesn't happen to the larger sized beads, but they have less surface area and thus are unable to filter as efficiently.
By under-loading the sand filters, and backwashing them more frequently with higher pressures and flow rates, you can take advantage of the greater food processing surface areas, while eliminating the chance of plugging. Many manufacturers recommendations for loading sand tend to be too high.
This causes the sand to plug the filter which is the main drawback of sand as a filtration medium.
Up-flow and gravity flow filters need to be cleaned regularly and it is a filthy job. The filter media is packed with rotting organic matter and foul odored fish waste.
As you clean and handle all the various parts of these filters you will find small, white feces-eating worms crawling on your hands and arms. Add to this the ambiance of the offensive odor described above and you don't exactly have nirvana!
The up-flow and gravity flow filters, though inexpensive to make, cost a fortune to purchase. So, in addition to paying a premium price to buy one, you are also spending so much time and labor that you might as well have paid at least twice the price!
If you use a pressurized filter, all it takes is the turn of a handle for 2 to 3 minutes and the filter is clean. Almost like magic! This saves lots of time, inconvenience, labor, mess, and wear and tear on your Koi. It uses slightly more electricity to operate a pressurized pump, but the savings in labor more than make up for it in most pond owner's eyes!
You can also use the waste water for your plants. It is packed with nitrogen and works even better than many of the fertilizers created especially for this purpose!
As you can see,to find the type that is right for you, you have several decisions to make about Koi pond filtration.
Freshwater Aquarium Plants - Why You Want Live Ones
Live freshwater aquarium plants assist in maintain the natural balance in your tank. Simultaneously they do a lot for the aquascape. These inhabit plants can stipulate the water in the aquarium by taking away carbon dioxide in addition to as sulfur substances. They likewise further the development of bacteria to help get rid of other permissive waste in the tank. This natural filtration breaks up ammonium hydroxide into a lesser extent adverse substances that live plants utilize as food. Plants will utilize these nitrites and nitrates as a source of more demanded nitrogen for themselves.
I am certainly everyone has heard of photosynthesis. This is the method where plant life use light to produce food inside themselves and emit oxygen in the process. This is really valuable in holding the water in the tank for your fish. Just think once you switch off the light in the aquarium and it becomes dark, those plants will invert the process and ingest oxygen and emit carbon dioxide similar to your fish's breathing process.
Live plants may likewise be a food source for some species of fish that likes a large number of vegetation in their diet. Of course this entails that you may have to continue replacing the vegetation if your fish experience a big appetite.
You might also discover your fish's color is brighter in a naturally planted aquarium and those live plants will likewise give them many more sense of security. A healthy planted aquarium will furnish a little protection for pregnant fish attempting to break loose from the more combative males. Simultaneously it allows shelter for the smaller timid fish and those fragile, long-finned fish.
Live plants can supply additional, more pleasurable dimension to your fresh water aquarium. as you gain experience, you can expand your knowledge of live freshwater aquarium.
The Truth Why Algae Eaters Are Great Fresh Water Aquarium Fish
Algae eaters are an outstanding add-on to any aquarium but its best to wisely or you may regret your decision to introduce them to fresh water aquarium.
Algae eaters are used to help control algae. They are great fish to clean up the bits and pieces of algae that are inevitable. Algae is a typical product of fish keeping usually caused by build up of nitrates in water. However prevention is a key when it comes to controlling algae.
To cease algae progress you need a strategy to preclude instead of treat algae. You are unlikely to ever be without algae altogether, what you are shooting to do is maintain it at a satisfactory level. Plants inside your fish tank will consume nitrates allowing little for algae to feed upon.
Algae eating fish will help to deal with the rest. So which ones are best and which ones come with a health warning.
Depending upon the size of your aquarium, the planting and the fish that you already have, some algae eaters will be best suitable to your fish tank than others. So once you have decided on what types of algae eaters you will buy, you might want to think about adding some snails or shrimp to deal with other types of algae.
The Siamese Algae eaters are capable of growing up to about five inches in length and ideally they need to be kept in pairs which require them to be held open in a aquarium that is a minimum of about twenty five gallons. They will fit better with most aquariums and eat on brush algae off plants without eating up the plants. They do however have a healthy appetite and are not crabby eaters, tidying the tank of any food that finds its way to the bottom.
Breeding Discus Fish - Best Practices
Breeding discus fish is truly the very next step in the development of your pastime with these entrancing creatures. If you are enterprising enough to do it, you can get some very galvanizing results. Seeing that first discus fish that you know you helped to create can provide you with an awesome sense of achievement. Then there are the different colours that can come out of these tiny fish that are just superb when they are selectively bred.
While this is often extremely rewarding, it may also be quite tedious and there's much to learn before starting. For instance, discus fish are used to being in groups so when working on getting them to reproduce, you do not want to put only 2 discus in your tank, or they will feel a little out of a sorts.
You must have a new tank for breeding your discus fish. A twenty gallon tank should do the job. You need to keep this tank extremely clean and tidy. Some plants placed in there to give them room to cover up will be fine. You are also going to need a slate or another vertical surface for them to be ready to lay their eggs on.
As I pointed out, you will need to keep the tank extraordinarily clean and to have the right temperature. To keep the water clean, change some of the water each day. Usually twenty-five to fifty percent will keep you in fine shape. Also make efforts to not leave any fragments of food in your tank when you change some water out. With reference to the water temperature, the perfect temperature for breeding discus fish is about 86 degrees Fahrenheit.
Keep an eye on the astringency of the water too. Ensure that your discus fish are getting everything that they need to keep fit and happy. If you are feeding them during mating, ensure you select a food that may provide them with all of the nutrient elements they require as malnourishment will only cause to make you annoyed at why the breeding process isn't working.
You will need to have another tank to keep the babies in so they may not get some of the bugs that some adults have. When you get your first baby discus, you'll be wanting to ensure that you understand about feeding and ensure that the babies have everything they need to grow and develop.
Do not feel bad if your first try isn't successful. Breeding discus fish can take you a little while to get it down and worked out. If you aren't getting it the first time, go do more research and see whether you can find what you probably did inaccurately.
Maybe make yourself a check list from your studies to insure that you do not forget anything when you are making an attempt to make them mate.
Breeding discus fish can be an extraordinarily rewarding experience and for the entrepreneurial hobbyist, can make you some cash on the side when you get good at it. Just remember the things that I have told you here and you will do just fine.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Dog Bathing
Taking your pet for bathing is part of your dog's grooming session. Grooming does not only make your pet appear attractive but also keep it clean and germ free. Keeping your pet germ free is also essential to maintain the general health of your family. Especially, if you have small children at home you are advised to take your pet for bath at regular intervals. The following are the steps of dog bathing that may guide you while you take your pet for washing.
Dog Bathing Steps
• At first you are required to collect the ingredients that you would be requiring while washing your dog. Get hold of few clean towels, doggy shampoo, brush, comb and some cotton balls to rinse the dog ears.
• You must know that bathing is usually not an enjoying experience for dogs. They would perhaps get scared. To ease your job you are advised to get some dog treats to keep it engaged and happy.
• Before bathing try to groom the fur of your dog with brush. Get rid of the loose dirt, snarls and mat. The hair tangles should also be freed before the fur of your dog gets wet.
• Depending upon the size and nature of the dog you may either bathe your dog in a kitchen sink in case your pet is small or a big bath tub in case it is of a giant size. Bathing in the kitchen sink might lead to many risks in case your pet dislikes taking bath and has the habit of jumping out of the basin. If you find difficulty in washing your pet in a sink or a tub, you may simply put your doggy under a shower. It is sure to get wet.
• Cover the floor of the bath tub or the sink with a mat or a towel in order to avoid your pet from slipping. A rubber mat at the base will give your pet support to stand and feel comfortable.
Make sure of the temperature of the water. Feel it with your own hands to determine the accurate temperature of the water. Do not make use of your shampoo for washing your dog as the ph level of humans is different from that of dogs. You should also not go for dog bathing every day as that can cause drying up of the fur and damaging of the quality of the coat.
Dog Bathing Steps
• At first you are required to collect the ingredients that you would be requiring while washing your dog. Get hold of few clean towels, doggy shampoo, brush, comb and some cotton balls to rinse the dog ears.
• You must know that bathing is usually not an enjoying experience for dogs. They would perhaps get scared. To ease your job you are advised to get some dog treats to keep it engaged and happy.
• Before bathing try to groom the fur of your dog with brush. Get rid of the loose dirt, snarls and mat. The hair tangles should also be freed before the fur of your dog gets wet.
• Depending upon the size and nature of the dog you may either bathe your dog in a kitchen sink in case your pet is small or a big bath tub in case it is of a giant size. Bathing in the kitchen sink might lead to many risks in case your pet dislikes taking bath and has the habit of jumping out of the basin. If you find difficulty in washing your pet in a sink or a tub, you may simply put your doggy under a shower. It is sure to get wet.
• Cover the floor of the bath tub or the sink with a mat or a towel in order to avoid your pet from slipping. A rubber mat at the base will give your pet support to stand and feel comfortable.
Make sure of the temperature of the water. Feel it with your own hands to determine the accurate temperature of the water. Do not make use of your shampoo for washing your dog as the ph level of humans is different from that of dogs. You should also not go for dog bathing every day as that can cause drying up of the fur and damaging of the quality of the coat.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Food, Glorious Food
The answer on how to serve your dog food may be a glaringly obvious one but if you are feeding all or part of your dogs food in a bowl, only small or medium dogs should eat with their bowl directly on the floor. Dogs of Labrador height or larger should be fed with their bowl at shoulder height and on a stand. This can aid the movement of the food to the dogs stomach and prevent gastric dilation.
Unlike humans who have to chew their food to get the digestive juices flowing, the dogs digestive juices do not start to flow until the food reaches the stomach. Dogs therefore gulp their food down and as a consequence take in large amounts of air as they eat.
With the larger dog if his food is placed on the floor then the food has to travel upwards first before it heads downwards to the stomach and so he takes in even more air. For similar reasons it is always better to feed your adult dog twice a day rather than give him one huge meal. Puppies of course will be fed between 4 and 6 times a day to begin with. If you are feeding your dog a natural diet then most of the dogs food will be outside on the ground and the dog will lie down to eat it.,save the feeding stand for the raw meat,vegetables etc.
With regard to giving your dog Tit bits, remember that dogs cannot digest refined sugar. Do not give them biscuits, or snack food made for human consumption. Tit bits should be reserved for training exercises where they should be the branded type or small pieces of apple or cheese. NEVER give your dog chocolate that is designed for humans and that goes for dark chocolate especially. It contains a substance called Theo bromine which is a bitter white crystalline alkaloid related to caffeine and Cocoa. It is a heart stimulant and could cause your dog serious problems. Theo bromine is also found in cocoa shell mulch, the type of mulch that is used for many pot plants so be aware that any potted plants that you buy may also present a real danger to your dog.
So how much food do we feed our puppy or adult dog.
As a rough guide he should be having about 20 percent of his total target body weight in food over one week. To begin with use your common sense and either decrease or increase the amount depending on hos the puppy is growing or the dogs weight. Once a dog is fully grown you will have to level out the amounts and may have to reduce them.
Unlike humans who have to chew their food to get the digestive juices flowing, the dogs digestive juices do not start to flow until the food reaches the stomach. Dogs therefore gulp their food down and as a consequence take in large amounts of air as they eat.
With the larger dog if his food is placed on the floor then the food has to travel upwards first before it heads downwards to the stomach and so he takes in even more air. For similar reasons it is always better to feed your adult dog twice a day rather than give him one huge meal. Puppies of course will be fed between 4 and 6 times a day to begin with. If you are feeding your dog a natural diet then most of the dogs food will be outside on the ground and the dog will lie down to eat it.,save the feeding stand for the raw meat,vegetables etc.
With regard to giving your dog Tit bits, remember that dogs cannot digest refined sugar. Do not give them biscuits, or snack food made for human consumption. Tit bits should be reserved for training exercises where they should be the branded type or small pieces of apple or cheese. NEVER give your dog chocolate that is designed for humans and that goes for dark chocolate especially. It contains a substance called Theo bromine which is a bitter white crystalline alkaloid related to caffeine and Cocoa. It is a heart stimulant and could cause your dog serious problems. Theo bromine is also found in cocoa shell mulch, the type of mulch that is used for many pot plants so be aware that any potted plants that you buy may also present a real danger to your dog.
So how much food do we feed our puppy or adult dog.
As a rough guide he should be having about 20 percent of his total target body weight in food over one week. To begin with use your common sense and either decrease or increase the amount depending on hos the puppy is growing or the dogs weight. Once a dog is fully grown you will have to level out the amounts and may have to reduce them.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Boston Terrier Eye Problems
Those buggy eyes are cute, but they can develop eye problems. Some of the Boston Terrier eye problems can include, but are not limited to cataracts, corneal ulcers and environmental irritation. Another eye difficulty that can affect Boston Terriers is an affliction known as Cherry Eye.
Most incidences of cataracts are inherited. Juvenile cataracts may appear between ages one to four, while late-onset cataracts can occur slowly as the dog ages. Cataracts can lead to blindness, but not always. When your Boston Terrier gets older, they can develop other health problems, such as diabetes, which can also cause cataracts. Things to watch for are bluish, grey or white flecks in the eye. In some cases, surgery may be possible to correct cataracts.
Another common Boston Terrier eye problem is corneal ulcers. These may develop through irritation of the eyes from particles in the environment or from other internal eye health issues that cause infection and irritation. Injury of the eye is a common cause of corneal ulcers as well.
The best prevention of corneal ulcers is to protect your Boston Terrier's eyes. Anything that could potentially scratch or cause injury to the eye, such as a sharp plant spikes, cat's claws or using strong household chemical cleansers near your dog should be avoided.
Boston Terrier's eyes can be susceptible to problems when exposed to harsh elements, such as sun and wind. Allowing her to have her head out the window while you are driving should be avoided. If you are going to be in sunny, windy or dusty conditions, consider getting a pair of dog goggles for your furry friend.
Cherry Eye can look similar to a tumor in the eye, as it is usually a bright red mass protruding out of the eye. It is caused by a gland popping out of its normal position. Boston Terriers have a third eyelid where this gland is located. Once the gland pops out, it swells up outside the eye, causing the unsightly cherry eye. This needs to be corrected surgically, but it is a fairly common procedure and most veterinarians would be familiar with it.
Keep a close watch for Boston Terrier eye problems. This is not meant to diagnose any eye condition. If your dog exhibits any symptoms of discomfort, is rubbing her eyes, or the eyes are red or discolored, please contact your veterinarian immediately.
Most incidences of cataracts are inherited. Juvenile cataracts may appear between ages one to four, while late-onset cataracts can occur slowly as the dog ages. Cataracts can lead to blindness, but not always. When your Boston Terrier gets older, they can develop other health problems, such as diabetes, which can also cause cataracts. Things to watch for are bluish, grey or white flecks in the eye. In some cases, surgery may be possible to correct cataracts.
Another common Boston Terrier eye problem is corneal ulcers. These may develop through irritation of the eyes from particles in the environment or from other internal eye health issues that cause infection and irritation. Injury of the eye is a common cause of corneal ulcers as well.
The best prevention of corneal ulcers is to protect your Boston Terrier's eyes. Anything that could potentially scratch or cause injury to the eye, such as a sharp plant spikes, cat's claws or using strong household chemical cleansers near your dog should be avoided.
Boston Terrier's eyes can be susceptible to problems when exposed to harsh elements, such as sun and wind. Allowing her to have her head out the window while you are driving should be avoided. If you are going to be in sunny, windy or dusty conditions, consider getting a pair of dog goggles for your furry friend.
Cherry Eye can look similar to a tumor in the eye, as it is usually a bright red mass protruding out of the eye. It is caused by a gland popping out of its normal position. Boston Terriers have a third eyelid where this gland is located. Once the gland pops out, it swells up outside the eye, causing the unsightly cherry eye. This needs to be corrected surgically, but it is a fairly common procedure and most veterinarians would be familiar with it.
Keep a close watch for Boston Terrier eye problems. This is not meant to diagnose any eye condition. If your dog exhibits any symptoms of discomfort, is rubbing her eyes, or the eyes are red or discolored, please contact your veterinarian immediately.
Things You May Need to Know When Training a Labrador Puppy
There are many things people do not understand about training their puppy. When you train your puppy to be an obedient dog, it gives you control and they always seem to be a much happier pup. Things you may need to know on training a Labrador puppy as simple and can be fun. Puppies are not born to know right from wrong and when they do something that is fun to them (like digging in the garbage) they do not understand nor do they know that this is wrong, unless they are taught that.
From the first day they are born they are constantly being taught how to feed, play, and defend themselves. Their mother is their first teacher and also their canine siblings. Then they go on to be with a family and the owner becomes their next leader at that point. Things you need to know on training a Labrador puppy are, one that you need to be consistent with your lessons and different commands. The more you willing to work with your puppy the more obedience you will see. You may want to watch your puppy closely to see when he or she is getting into mischief. By doing this you are taking control over the situation immediately and you are correcting their behavior.
Another thing you may need to know on training a Labrador puppy is to reward their good behavior. When you reward them when do something that they have been taught you are letting them know that they are doing something good and this behavior will indeed be repeated. My suggestion is to always have a treat handy. See. Our commands to a puppy make no sense at all. They learn them by our hand movements and signals and even the tone of voice we use.
From the first day they are born they are constantly being taught how to feed, play, and defend themselves. Their mother is their first teacher and also their canine siblings. Then they go on to be with a family and the owner becomes their next leader at that point. Things you need to know on training a Labrador puppy are, one that you need to be consistent with your lessons and different commands. The more you willing to work with your puppy the more obedience you will see. You may want to watch your puppy closely to see when he or she is getting into mischief. By doing this you are taking control over the situation immediately and you are correcting their behavior.
Another thing you may need to know on training a Labrador puppy is to reward their good behavior. When you reward them when do something that they have been taught you are letting them know that they are doing something good and this behavior will indeed be repeated. My suggestion is to always have a treat handy. See. Our commands to a puppy make no sense at all. They learn them by our hand movements and signals and even the tone of voice we use.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Shocking Dogs - Electronic Dog Collars
So, you have a dog with behavior issues. You've tried everything, but nothing has worked to keep your pooch from chewing the furniture or hosting doggy parties when you're not home. You may have heard about electronic training collars, and you are wondering if this might be the answer. You may figure that an electronic collar may do a better job of getting your dogs attention and making a lasting impression. Before you invest in this training technique, there are some things you should know.
There are different types of electronic training collars. One type is a bark collar. As the name suggests, it is used to stop a dog from constant, inappropriate barking. This collar is triggered by the dogs bark. It works by either a vibration or a sound that is felt or heard by the dog the instant the barking starts. It can be set to different levels and responds only to your dogs bark. There are also bark collars that work by spraying an unpleasant spray towards the dogs face as soon as he starts barking.
The other type of electronic dog training collar is the behavior correction collar. These training collars are designed to stop unwanted behaviors, including, digging, jumping, and running away. They work by a remote control held by the owner or trainer. When the dog starts the unwanted behavior, the trainer pushes the button to activate an electric shock. There are multiple levels available depending upon how well the pooch responds. The idea with these collars is, because they are operated by remote control, the dog will not realize you are issuing the correction, therefore, you do not look like the bad guy. A disadvantage to this type of collar is that you have to be with the dog in order for the correction to be made.
Although the technology and safety of electronic dog collars has improved over the years, they are still a controversial method for training. Many experts believe even difficult to train dogs can learn without the use of a physical correction. Apparently, if you are careful not to set the shock level too high, the collars are not painful, just uncomfortable. I'm sure you can find as many people for this type of training as opposed. I would not want to use an electronic training collar on my dogs, but it is a personal choice, and not for me to judge.
There are different types of electronic training collars. One type is a bark collar. As the name suggests, it is used to stop a dog from constant, inappropriate barking. This collar is triggered by the dogs bark. It works by either a vibration or a sound that is felt or heard by the dog the instant the barking starts. It can be set to different levels and responds only to your dogs bark. There are also bark collars that work by spraying an unpleasant spray towards the dogs face as soon as he starts barking.
The other type of electronic dog training collar is the behavior correction collar. These training collars are designed to stop unwanted behaviors, including, digging, jumping, and running away. They work by a remote control held by the owner or trainer. When the dog starts the unwanted behavior, the trainer pushes the button to activate an electric shock. There are multiple levels available depending upon how well the pooch responds. The idea with these collars is, because they are operated by remote control, the dog will not realize you are issuing the correction, therefore, you do not look like the bad guy. A disadvantage to this type of collar is that you have to be with the dog in order for the correction to be made.
Although the technology and safety of electronic dog collars has improved over the years, they are still a controversial method for training. Many experts believe even difficult to train dogs can learn without the use of a physical correction. Apparently, if you are careful not to set the shock level too high, the collars are not painful, just uncomfortable. I'm sure you can find as many people for this type of training as opposed. I would not want to use an electronic training collar on my dogs, but it is a personal choice, and not for me to judge.
Quick and Easy Tips to Successfully Train That New K9 Dog
Owning a dog can be a great deal of fun, but it can also involve a lot of work on the owner's part. It takes a bit commitment of time, energy, persistence, and patience when it comes to properly training that new canine, but do not let that serve as a deterrent. The benefits of owning a trained, well-behaved a dog vastly outnumber having a seemingly undomesticated beast on your hands, or no dog at all. Once the owner is able to commit to providing the dog with the training it needs to be challenged and happy, it is time to begin the fun part. Here are several tips that will come in handy when looking to successfully train that new K9 dog.
The first tip is more of a guideline an owner must adhere to if they expect to be successful; dogs do not speak English. This might seem quite self-evident, but it is worth mentioning as often as it takes for owners to understand what it truly means. When using verbal commands, do be sure to teach the action first, before giving the verbal cue. Verbalizing the command first, then expecting the correct response, is probably never going to happen. Instead, aid the dog in acting properly, remembering to offer rewards for the right behavior, then followed by the appropriate verbal cue.
Another tip, more for the sanctity of the house and its contents, in properly training a dog is in reference to the toys they are to have. The market has an almost limitless possibility of different options for the owner and dog. Dogs, especially young ones, will have a tough time discerning between toys and household items. Because of this, it is helpful to purchase several toys of the same size and general make-up. This will help them to distinguish between toys and other objects if all the toys are pretty much the same.
The first tip is more of a guideline an owner must adhere to if they expect to be successful; dogs do not speak English. This might seem quite self-evident, but it is worth mentioning as often as it takes for owners to understand what it truly means. When using verbal commands, do be sure to teach the action first, before giving the verbal cue. Verbalizing the command first, then expecting the correct response, is probably never going to happen. Instead, aid the dog in acting properly, remembering to offer rewards for the right behavior, then followed by the appropriate verbal cue.
Another tip, more for the sanctity of the house and its contents, in properly training a dog is in reference to the toys they are to have. The market has an almost limitless possibility of different options for the owner and dog. Dogs, especially young ones, will have a tough time discerning between toys and household items. Because of this, it is helpful to purchase several toys of the same size and general make-up. This will help them to distinguish between toys and other objects if all the toys are pretty much the same.
The Shiba Inu - Awesome Fuzzy Friend and Guard Dog
The Shiba Inu is not a well known breed here in North America, but their popularity is quickly growing. The Shiba is a Japanese dog, similar in appearance to the Akita. They are small, independent dogs. I could go on about the appearance, temperment, lineage, and all that other boring "Breeder" stuff. Instead let me just say, these little puppies are way cute. Shiba Inu's are adorable, fuzzy, loyal and very playful. They need a lot of attention and love, but they will give back even more.
I own two Shibas and they are a huge part of my life. These guys have seen me through tough times and shared the joys of better ones with me.
Shiba Inus can be orange or black (with white and orange). They are small, but act like they are as big as a German Shepherd. They love to play, and they love to chew. And there's never a dull moment when they are around.
I'd love to see more people learn to appreciate this incredible breed. If you looking for a dog, and would like a small, sturdy, athletic dog, that also has the heart of a guard dog. Look no further take a look at the Shiba Inu, I am sure you'll fall in love with this great breed. There is a dearth of good books about the Shiba Inu, and not that many great sites either, so it will take a little research on your part to get a good feel for the breed. Deciding to own a dog (who's kidding who, they own you), is a huge decision. Do your research!
I own two Shibas and they are a huge part of my life. These guys have seen me through tough times and shared the joys of better ones with me.
Shiba Inus can be orange or black (with white and orange). They are small, but act like they are as big as a German Shepherd. They love to play, and they love to chew. And there's never a dull moment when they are around.
I'd love to see more people learn to appreciate this incredible breed. If you looking for a dog, and would like a small, sturdy, athletic dog, that also has the heart of a guard dog. Look no further take a look at the Shiba Inu, I am sure you'll fall in love with this great breed. There is a dearth of good books about the Shiba Inu, and not that many great sites either, so it will take a little research on your part to get a good feel for the breed. Deciding to own a dog (who's kidding who, they own you), is a huge decision. Do your research!
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