Sunday, February 15, 2009

Electric Dog Collars - Is This the Answer For Your Dog?

If you are reading this report then you have either considered an electric dog collar for your dog or maybe a friend or family member. Usually if you are at this point you are at a loss in your dog training and feel an electronic dog collar is the best answer. I am a professional dog trainer and I highly recommend them, however, before you jump in and buy you must first know what behavior you plan to train and speak to a professional dog trainer to determine if an electronic dog collar will help to train your canine friend.

Electronic collars are meant to be helpful in being more humane than a choke collar in that the dog's neck and windpipe are not being yanked on continually. Also, in training the electronic collar is not meant to be a torture device for your dog. It has very low levels to higher levels and there are reasons for using all of these but not in every dog. Most dogs can easily be trained with a very low level and you could hold the collar in your hand and feel the slight pulse of static shock the level in which you train emits so you know that the dog is not being hurt.

The best thing you can do is obtain a training DVD using the dog collar because the biggest mistake most dog owners will do is slap the collar on and start pushing the buttons when the dog does not do something you want him to do.

My first recommendation to you is to do basic obedience with your dog before obtaining an electric collar. Your dog needs to understand sit, down and come first. Once your dog understands these commands in a beginning sense you can add the electric collar only using it while on leash and tapping the button when you give the command instead of snapping the leash and collar. This will let him know the sensation he feels is coming from you and because you are training. If he doesn't have direction with the leash and a command from you when he feels the static shock your dog may think he is being stung by a bee.

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