Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cichlid Breeding

Cichlid breeding has become one of the most popular hobbies today. There are at least 1300 scientifically described species. These fish range from species as small as 1 in. in length to 3 feet. As a group, they exhibit a similarly wide diversity of body shapes, from long to short and flat to round. Many, particularly the Tilapias, are important food fishes. In fact the Tilapia is the most consumed fish in the USA.

These have become increasingly popular as aquarium fish, and are ideally suited as aquarium fish because many are small to medium-sized, easy to feed with a range of prepared fish foods, breed readily, and practice brood care, in captivity. Part of their popularity arises from the fact that they are so diverse in their shapes and colors.With a bit of shopping around one can have a beautiful variety of shapes and colors which make for a beautiful aquarium. Of the many species, the Angelfish, Oscars, and Discus, are likely the most valued aquarium fish. There are special sites including forums that cater specifically to care and breeding of each species.

These fish are also quite diverse in terms of their diet. Many feed primarily on algae and plants while others are primarily predatory and carnivorous and prey on other smaller fish. With the latter species it is important to choose their aquarium mates carefully.

Cichlid breeding is fascinating because of the parental behavior of adult fish. All species show some parental care for both eggs and larvae, often extended to free-swimming young until they are several weeks or months old. Species of this family have highly organized breeding activities. Some specie do mouth brooding which provides an interesting aquarium show with the adult fish protecting the young inside her mouth.

Most are easy keepers, however some do require special conditions. There are several sources for information about the care and breeding of this diverse aquarium fish.

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