Monday, February 15, 2010

How to Attract Purple Martins

In North America alone there are over a million purple martin houses. Once you get a colony to nest at your site, they will return every year. That is as longs as you make sure that the houses are properly maintained. Many people who lose their colony often think that the birds died due to a pesticide or storms during the migration period. These birds do not commonly die from these particular issues. The most common reason for losing a colony of martins is the houses themselves. If the houses are not taken care of, then you risk losing the entire colony.

Attracting martins to your houses can be a little difficult for some. There are specific places that you can place your houses to help ensure that you will attract martins. Placing a house too close to a human home will deter a colony from nesting. The ideal distance to place housing for the birds is between 40 to 130 feet from all areas of human contact. You will also want to make sure that the purple martin house is placed around 50 feet from all trees. The martin likes for the house to be placed in an open area. Placing the houses in a clear, tree-free area will give you the best chance for nesting a colony of birds for the breeding season.

A common problem among those who are trying to nest purple martins are other birds taking over the houses. If other birds are allowed to nest in these houses first, then the martins are not likely to stay around. All birds, especially House Swallows and European Starlings, are territorial and will lay claim on their nesting grounds. These birds will chase away the purple martins, and you will most likely lose this particular colony for good.

Remember to keep your houses and gourds properly maintained and keep other species from nesting in them during the off seasons. Removing brush build up from around the houses will also allow you a more optimal chance of having a colony breed in your houses. You will also want to make sure that all your birdhouses or gourds are far enough away from human housing. Martins are very sensitive to their surroundings so you want to make sure you do your best to make your houses the best option to nest.

Bird Cages For All Hookbills

Parrots and all Hook bills make great Pets, with proper care and personal interaction make a fun and entertaining addition to your family. My Brother has an African Grey Parrot, who is very smart and has a large vocabulary. They are native to Africa, and you should have the proper size cage which is usually a 36x28, my brother has a 40x30 size for his African Grey Parrot, he also has a play stand which is perfect for exercise and time out of the cage to spread his wings and to interact with you and the family.

My Brothers African Grey sounds just like his voice when he speaks,they have the most human sounding voice of all the parrots. The most important thing to remember is to have their wings clipped so they wont injure themselves if they fly from their perch, and keep their nails clipped and their beaks trimmed which they can do themselves if they have the cuttle bone and pumice stone perch. I had a Cockatiel which was a beautiful bird who had rosy checks and they are native to Australia, they are very smart and loving I taught mine to say a few words, he became part of our family. I had parakeets who mated and had their young in our cage at home, we watched as the male fed the female as she sat on the eggs, and we watched the young hatch, and explore their new surroundings it was a wonderful experience for my whole family.

Just remember cage size is important, finding an Avian veterinarian, a varied diet, and do not give your birds a treat that you think is good for you before checking to see what foods are toxic to your Bird, example: my Daughter enjoys avocados, very toxic to birds, check with experienced sources on toxic plants and foods. Here is a little information which can be helpful, Finches are small birds and enjoy the company of each other, so have more than one in a cage, Love Birds should always be in pairs, Canaries can sing a melodious song that you can enjoy..... enjoy the beauty of the Macaws who are gentle and affectionate, my Daughter has a Macaw, he has bonded with her and the family, but he requires a lot of attention at times, her friend has an Eclectus who loves his toys and has a very soft fur and is very quiet compared to my daughters African Grey and Macaw. To me all the parrots and birds are wonderful to watch and listen too, and with the proper care and love make great companions.

Bird Cage Supplies - How to Shop Wisely For Your Pet Bird

There are different kinds of bird cages, from dome tops to play tops and parrot perches. If you have never owned a bird before, you will probably be taken aback by the sheer number of cage types as well as cage supplies being sold in the market today. Choose the kind of cage designed for your bird, and make sure that it is large enough for your bird to roam around in. From cage covers and cage corner shelves to bird nets, you will have to spend a good amount of time choosing which bird cage supplies to buy first.

Types of bird cage supplies

Basic bird cage supplies include food, feeding bowls, a cage cover, and toys. Different birds like different types of food. Black oil sunflower seed is the most common type of food that is good for different kinds of birds, especially chickadees and titmice, as well as cardinals. White millet, red milo, and cracked corn are also popular types of bird food.

Every bird cage needs two bird bowls, one for food and one for water. Buy bird bowls that are made especially for birds. Other kinds of bowls may be coated with material that can be harmful to your bird.

For stimulation, it is important to provide your bird with a toy and to give it a change of scenery by moving the cage from one location to another or by removing the play top so your bird can walk around.

How to shop for bird cage supplies wisely

Choose toys wisely since the wrong toy can injure and even poison your pet. Your bird can easily snag its claw in a toy or choke on a small piece of toy. Avoid providing your bird with cotton rope toys, toys with metal chains, toys with clips and rings, bell toys, and any toy with loose threads. Toys with chains, holes and rings can trap your bird's beak or claw. Toys with loose threads and ropey toys can easily break apart and your bird could swallow them. They can also snag your bird's beak and claws. Toy bells are not a good idea because your bird's beak can easily get stuck inside. The bird could also remove the clapper and choke on it. The clapper may also contain lead, so even if it does not choke on it, the lead could have potentially toxic effects.

When giving toys made of wood or plastic, make sure that the toy does not have any splinters and is not easily torn apart. Avoid giving plastic toys that are soft and easy to tear apart since the torn parts could easily be easily swallowed and choke your bird.

When it comes to choosing food, do a little bit of research on the kind of bird food that your pet should eat. You can ask your vet on what seed your bird eats or you can look at resources online.

Finally, when shopping for cages, it is important that you choose a bird cage made by a reliable manufacturer. Trusted brands provide products that come with users' guides, warranties, and reliable customer support.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Herpes in Cats

Humans are known to contract herpes. A cat can also contract the disease and cause much discomfort to it. The disease is the most common cause of respiratory problems in felines.

The virus, rhinotracheitis or feline herpesvirus infection, causes acute respiratory distress. The symptoms are sneezing, nasal discharge, rhinitis of the nose and conjunctivitis of the eye. It also affects the reproductive tract and can cause problems during pregnancy.

It can occur in kittens, muliticat households, catteries, pet adoption centers, lactating cats, cats with weakened immune systems and unvaccinated cats. It is more likely to contract the disease if it has been overrun by fleas or has had poor nutrition. The worst symptoms will be during the first out break. Although once contracted, it will have the disease for the rest of its life but may suffer less severe outbreaks or no further outbreaks over time.

Most of the time the disease will manifest itself in a cats' eyes. There is an antiviral eye drop available to make a cat more comfortable. Medication containing L-Lysine is available to suppress the virus. Medications for human herpes can cause problems with its blood. If it has the virus, it is important that it be treated.

A veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics, decongestants and/or eye drops or ointments. A cat can be sick up to 10 days. Fresh water and food, cleaning its eyes, isolating it if other animals are around and keeping it warm and comfortable are important in its recovery.

Vaccination is the way to prevent it from contracting the disease. The first time should be 8 to ten weeks after birth, then 12 to 14 weeks and then annually. Keeping it away from an infected cat will also prevent it from getting the disease especially if it has not been vaccinated.

Ringworm in Cats

Ringworm in cats is the most common skin infection in cats and the name is somewhat misleading. It is not actually caused by a worm; it is caused by a fungal infection. It is also extremely contagious and can very easily be spread to other cats as well as to humans. It is caused by several organisms, but the most common is referred to as Microsporum canis. The spores of these fungi can literally live for years in the right type of environment and can be contagious to your cat the entire time.

Ringworm most typically affects young cats, long haired cats, or cats that have had some type of a previous skin disease. However, if your cat has recently has a very traumatic episode in their life, they are also at risk. If your cat has recently been in a shelter or catteries, they are also at a high degree of risk from two fronts; the stress that this has caused as well as possible exposure to another infected cat.

Where it is found:

Ringworm in cats is generally found on the affected cat or their living quarters. Spores for this fugal infection can be shed from an infected cat and once they are shed, can survive for as long as two years. If the environment is warm and humid, these spores can literally explode in growth. Once they are released into the environment, they can live on branches and plants, as well as your pets bedding. They can also very easily live on your furniture or anything else that an infected cat has come into contact with.

Your cat can very easily become an asymptomatic carrier on this fugal infection. An asymptomatic carrier is defined as a host for an infectious agent who does not show any signs at all that they are infected.

How it is transmitted:

Ringworm infection is transmitted by coming into direct contact with the fungi, and this can include another infected cat or any of their grooming materials. However, it can also very easily be transmitted by coming into contact with the spores themselves. Cats by nature have a natural resistance to these types of infections, but if your cat is not healthy, their system can very easily be overrun. This is why it is the most common skin infection in cats.

Cats that are less than a year old are have not built up their immune system to full capacity and are the most commonly affected of all cats. However, if your cat has an immune suppressed condition from a disease or from too many steroids, they are also at a very high risk. Older cats as well as free roaming cats are also at a higher risk, as well malnourished cats. Long haired cats, especially Persians, are also much more susceptible to this infection. Ringworm in cats affect three parts of your pets body; their head or scalp, their body, as well as their nails.


One of the first symptoms of ringworm will be areas of hair loss that are usually in a circular formation. This loss of hair can range from very mild to quite severe, depending of how serious the ringworm infection is. Once the hair loss starts to occur, you may also see lesions in the center of the hair loss. These lesions will contain pustules and will generally start out very small, but than will start to grow in size. If you see this symptom, it is almost always the result of ringworm.

These lesions may or may not be itchy to your cat, and they are most commonly found on your cats head, ears, or their tail. However, the symptoms will not always be circular in formation. If it is severe enough, it can very rapidly spread across your cats face, lips, chin, or nose. In some cases, it may appear like chin ache in your cat or look like dandruff on your cats skin. If it infects your their nails, it will cause them to become malformed and as a result look very odd.


Treatments for ringworm in cats can be both very frustrating as well as very expensive, especially if you have more than one cat. You will not only have to treat your cat, but the environment as well. In most all cases, your cats immune system will naturally defeat this infection, but it can take several months for this to occur. In the meantime, you must treat your cat or the symptoms will intensify. Some cats, if not treated, can be attacked several times even with a strong immune system.

In healthy, short-haired kittens and cats, the first form of treatments will be with topical creams that contain anti-fungal ingredients. You will also have to treat any underlying health issues, especially nutritional. Most cats will need some type of a vitamin supplement to build and than maintain their immune system to fight this infection.

In the more severe cases of ringworm, a combination of both oral and topical treatments will be used. The lesions may have to be clipped by your veterinarian so the topical cream can reach your cats skin. However, there is one very controversial topic among some veterinarians in treating long haired cats with ringworm.

There is a growing opinion that any long haired cat should be completely shaved in order to successfully treat this infection. If the ringworm infection is severe, your cat may also have to be given lime sulfur dips. These are extremely effective but you may want to get a second opinion as they can temporarily turn the remaining hair coat a yellowish color. There are some alternatives, but they will vary depending on what country that you live in.


Ringworm in cats can range from mild to severe and is the most common skin disease your pet will face. It is extremely contagious and any measure that you take in preventing it is very well spent. If you bring a new kitten into your house and already have a cat or several cats, be extremely careful and take the extra precautions of having them checked first.

If you use a grooming facility, it will not be out of place to ask them how and what they use to sterilize their cleaning equipment. If the answer is anything other than heated or chemically sterilization of the equipment, look for a different groomer. If you do see any of the symptoms, isolate your cat from other cats as quickly as possible and than have them treated.

Choosing the Right Cat Litter

For some, many different aspects can appeal to one's self in choosing the right cat litter for your feline friend. If this is your first time caring for a cat, walking into the pet aisle where you have never been before at your local grocery store may be a bit overwhelming. A little research before venturing out can go a long way. Not only will it save you time, but knowing the facts before you buy may also save you money!

Some people have the initial reaction of going directly to the cheapest cat litter available. This may be fine for most cats, but are you aware there are some cats that may have an allergic reaction to said pet litter? A pricier alternative would be to purchase a brand consisting of cat litter made up of gray cardboard or paper clusters.

With today's unpredictable economy, buying the all natural or organic cat litter may not be an option. You may be wondering, what else is there to do? If your cat does not have an allergy and you are simply concerned with their hygienic well-being, might I suggest involving a litter scoop into your cat litter box cleaning routine? No, you don't have to stand over your cat, waiting for him or her to finish their business so you can pounce on what they've produced as soon as they leave, but you'd be surprised how utilizing a litter scoop in maintaining your cat's litter box can stretch out how much you are having to spend.

Another suggestion would be to buy in bulk. You may be tempted to buy the smaller sizes since the larger bags can be quite heavy and awkward to carry, but you will wind up paying for it in the end. With almost any item you go to purchase, you will find that the larger the size, the less you are paying per measurement. So buckle on down and remember to bend at the knees!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Owning a Blue and Gold Macaw Takes Your Time and Devotion

More and more people consider owning a Blue And Gold Macaw. The truth is only a very few should actually do it.

Simply pay attention to the numbers of Macaws being sold by private owners. Far to often people simply bite off far more than they can chew or don't understand the amount of time, dedication, work, commitment involved with owning a Macaw parrot.

It is likely the beauty, the out of this world colors, the affectionate/playful natures and overall intelligence of Macaw parrots that make these birds nearly irresistible for animal lovers.

To many people unfortunately buy on impulse when they buy one of these magnificent birds. Buying a Macaw is to often based on a delightful casual introduction and not any appreciable amount of before purchase research.

Properly trained, loving and intelligent Macaws are not something that just happens. That bird is the product of love, care, devotion, understanding and work. For those who own and love the Macaws, it may be the most gratifying work but it is work none the less.

The work begins with reputable dedicated breeders hand feeding and socializing the chicks. After purchase that socialization must be a continuing process. Breeder commitment and dedication is the reason that hand fed babies make the best companions.

By hand feeding the babies the breeders instill humans as essential to the babies existence and as a natural and normal part of his flock. This makes humans a recognizable part of the birds family.

It takes a real expert to tame a Macaw Blue And Gold or other that is not a hand fed chick. Most of those will just never become as loving, gentle and happy to be a part of the family as will the hand fed bird. The first step in socializing any large companion bird is hand feeding the chicks.

Personal attention by the breeders goes a very long way, helping to insure anyone willing to continue the process will likely continue to have a good natured, trainable and loving bird.

Unfortunately most or too many prospective owners do not fully grasp the importance of continuing the socialization process initiated by the breeder. So having a great deal of time and even more desire to continue the process is mandatory before anyone should buy a Macaw.

With large birds like the Blue And Gold Macaw the socialization process must be ongoing for life. Left alone to fend on their own Macaws can easily revert. They may become far more wild than a loving, gentle companion.

Left alone to long and or to often the Macaw can easily lose any interest in being that lovable bird and companion you first purchased. He can become that feather plucking, aggressive, extraordinarily loud and destructive bird he is quite capable of becoming.

Done correctly owning a Macaw parrot is every bit as gratifying as owning any other pet, for me it is more. I can think of no other pet that will bond closer or for as long as the Macaw or other large parrots.

For me and maybe because Macaws are not domesticated animals bonding is of a more personal nature. Perhaps it is the sole fact that the Macaws are not domesticated that makes bonding so very remarkable and heartfelt.

The Blue And Gold Macaw is not for the casual pet owner. If lacking the time, dedication and commitment to supply a his needs the Macaw is not a good choice. The Blue And Gold Macaw almost demands you spend your time and that you provide him not just physical care but emotional support also. He can be almost maniacal in his need of your attentions but can be just as maniacal when it comes to showing and giving his affection to those within his flock.

Primarily due to his loving and friendly nature. It's seldom that a Blue And Gold Macaw will prefer to be left alone. A well socialized Macaw will want to be included in everything you do. Most of the time A Blue And Gold Macaw simply wants to be with you helping to do whatever you're doing. He can't help it. It's his nature.

Without a doubt it is your time, your caring, your devotion and understanding that allow a Macaw to become such an amazing companion. He easily becomes just another beautiful bird without your commitment.

Because owning a Macaw means giving so much of yourself. It is unlikely to ever duplicate the experience with any other type of animal. Life with a Macaw becomes intensely personal and gratifying. The bonus is. The experience can last your lifetime.

The Beauty and Brain of the African Grey Parrot

The "Cadillac of Parrots" is definitely the African Grey Parrot, which it is referred to often among the parrot community. This beautiful parrot is adored for both its beauty and its brains. The African Grey not only has a mixture of beautiful colors they have a mixture of extensive words. Among the parrot family, the grey bird can learn the most extensive vocabulary. Aside from their extensive vocabulary, they are quite the entertainers, as they can learn to play toy instruments such as a baby piano and mimic sounds like the car motor, providing their owners much enjoyment.

The African Grey Parrot is intelligent, observant and focused. They can learn and teach themselves many things and are able to think in a cause-and-effect manner. Which, often times just as in a child, can result in a manipulation to the owner. It is important to train this parrot to ensure the happiness of the bird and that you are not faced with troublesome behavior. This bird has the strongest ability to bond with humans of birds in the bird kingdom.

Of the African Grey Parrot, there are two different families- the Congo African Grey and the Timneh African Grey, with the difference being their color. The Congo African Grey is distinguished through a lighter grey color with a red tail and the Timneh African Grey has a darker charcoal grey with a cherry-red tail. These parrots grow to 12 to 14 inches in size with a lifespan of up to 60 years of age. So, obviously, the African Grey Parrot is an addition to the home that will be among you for many years.

Because of their ever curious and intelligent personality, the gray bird needs the surroundings of an interesting and challenging environment. If you are unable to provide the parrot with a stimulating environment, you should not consider the parrot.

With such a highly intelligent nature comes the risk of stress and depression. This bird does run the risk of becoming stressed when all their needs are not provided. Signs that the birds are becoming stressed can be an eating disorder, picking at their feathers, attitude, or trouble behavior, such as chewing at cords.

This creature is a fast learner and requires attention and companionship. It is very easy to train this bird to perform tricks, and talk. Their vocabulary can actually become quite large, and they are capable of learning words on their own.

Although the bird does enjoy and need petting and affection, it is not a big admirer of overly endowment. This by no means ignores the bird, daily petting and affection is needed. Your home should provide this creature with much affection, compassion, enjoyment, training, and care. With proper care and love for the parrot, you should have a happy long companion in your pet.

Where to Start When Looking to Purchase a Parrot

Parrots have always held a special magic. With a humanistic personality- and eyes that can relate to you, the parrot has been admired in pet stores, story books, and in nature for centuries. Not only is the parrot beautiful with pastel and bright colors, they are intelligent, and they are one of the few animals in the animal kingdom that can talk- just another of their many wonderful qualities to admire.

If you have been considering purchasing a parrot it is necessary to purchase this bird that has had the proper introduction to life. Parrot breeders are the best place to begin. The parrot breeder is often a much better choice than a pet store, due to the fact that the parrot is receiving "specialized" parrot care with the surroundings and time spent just upon these birds instead of divided among many animals and the fact that a good parrot breeder will know much more about the birds needs and health requirements than the pet store often times.

Parrot breeders are the beginning introduction to the human in your future bird. Therefore, it is necessary to select a breeder that has the knowledge and has cared for your pet animals in the necessary manners. The parrot breeder should have provided an optimal diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and pellets, a sanitary and safe environment, weaning between 10 to 12 weeks, an introduction to bathing when the birds feathers begin to develop, time to fly free each day, plenty of interaction and handling and love and affection, and how to diagnose and treat illnesses. These will provide your bird with the attributes that will ensure a quality pet.

When searching for a breeder, you should begin looking for a breeder that is close to home. Parrot breeders will be someone that you will want to depend on in the future, for when concerns arise and when you need support and advice. You will also want to ensure that the bird breeder is will to provide you with, and sign, a purchase / contract agreement.

These are all factors that will help ensure that the breeder is reputable. Discuss with your breeder how future needs will arise and what role they are willing to play in support. When you think you have found the "perfect parrot" visit this bird randomly before you purchase and make sure that the parrot is as fond of you as you are of him this is extremely important the parrot can live to 60 years old, and a relationship that "fits" is extremely important for the both of you. Select a parrot that is good with you, and select a parrot breeder that you are not only comfortable with, but you know has met the qualifications and cared for your parrot properly. With the right ingredients you will enjoy a long well-balanced life together.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Koi Carp Diseases

There are several diseases that Koi fish can suffer from and many of them are related directly to fluctuations in temperatures and extreme weather changes. Koi fish are very susceptible to the cold and tend to fall very ill if exposed to the cold for too long. Broadly speaking Koi Carp disease causes can be classified into five major categories - bacterial, fungal, viral, internal parasites and external parasites. Apart from this there are several environmental factors that can disturb a Koi fish's lifestyle and health like too much exposure to the sun and sub zero temperatures. Koi fish are generally very strong fish and it does not take much effort to keep these fish as pets. Some diseases among Koi fish take care of themselves but others may cause a lot of issues for the fish and can even be fatal.

A disease known as Ichthyophthirius multifilis causes white spot like formations on the body of the fish. This disease is not visible to the naked eye but can be seen clearly under a microscope. This disease usually takes over when the immunity of the fish is weak and the surrounding pond temperature is low. This disease can be fatal but only to smaller fish as the adult fish can fight it off. As far as treatment in concerned, the best way to do away with this disease is to raise the temperature in the pond.

The velvet disease though not very common in Koi can be a source of great discomfort for the fish. It is caused by an external parasite called as Oodinium which basically attaches itself to the outside of the fish ad begins to spread its tentacles until it covers a major part of the skin of the fish. After that it begins to kill off the cells it is nearest to eating away the nutrients from inside. Once that is done, it leaves the fish and begins to multiply, releasing more parasites into the water which have to seek out their own hosts. An entire fish pond can get sick with this type of disease in no time. The most apparent symptom of this kind of disease is a gold dust like formation on the skin of the fish. In many cases this disease causes very tiny puss filled pockets on the skin of the fish that can only be seen through a microscope. These puss pockets cause itchiness and therefore the fish are seen rubbing themselves against objects in the pond.

Koi fish are attacked by worms as well and a very commonly found one is the Lernea elegans which can be a very big problem for the Koi. These worms attach themselves to the belly of the fish and stay there for about a fortnight causing a lot of damage. The worst thing about these worms is that they reproduce rapidly and also leave the fish with bad gashed in the areas they have infected. Fish that are attacked by these worms have to then cope with the wounds on their bodies getting infected by other bacteria and fungi. Once these worms are spotted, immediate action is necessary otherwise the fish will develop multiple problems at one time.

Another type of external parasite are the Argulus lice. They are much easier to spot because of their green color and therefore can be nipped in the bud. The problem with these lice is that they attach themselves to the fins and the sides of the fish and begin sucking out their nutritional needs. While they are attached, the skin of the fish can undergo quite a bit of physical trauma leading to ulceration and infection.

More Than Just a Pest - Duckweed

Regarded as a common pest by many pet stores and found inn a variety of situations in nature, Duckweed is often overlooked by aquarists. However, Duckweed can be beneficial to your aquarium and your fish may find it very enjoyable.

Duckweed is a floating plant which will grow on the surface of your water. It reproduces very rapidly, with even one leaf being able to form hundreds even in a short amount of time. Duckweed requires virtually no maintenance from you and will be available from many pet stores, in many cases quite possibly for free aside from an odd look in your direction. It is recommended if you have never grown plants before or plan an aquarium which will do well with a low level of light.

Keeping Duckweed is very easy, as it will grow under virtually any conditions. It uses up a lot of nutrients and will spread across the surface of the water very quickly, so it is not a very good idea to try to grow it if you are keeping other plants. If you experience a lot of growth in your aquarium very quickly, it is extremely easy just to net most of it out of the aquarium. If even one leaf is left in the water Duckweed will regrow quite quickly, so if you attempt to remove it it is important to keep on checking to make sure that all parts have been completely removed.

Although Duckweed may sound like a nuisance in much the same way that algae can be, it does offer certain benefits to the aquarium just like other plants would do. There are quite a few species of fish, especially goldfish, which seem to enjoy eating it. Virtually no maintenance is required, it is easy to grow without any particular focus on providing the right colour temperature and intensity. Being a floating plant with very little demands, it will do very well with almost not interaction from you apart from watching your fish occasionally snack on it and removing some of it if it grows too well.

Duckweed may seem like an irritation to begin with, but it does have several benefits to offer your aquarium and fish. If you are new to plants and would just like to introduce something to help you with water quality and as extra food for your fish, you can do well with Duckweed.