Friday, February 5, 2010

More Than Just a Pest - Duckweed

Regarded as a common pest by many pet stores and found inn a variety of situations in nature, Duckweed is often overlooked by aquarists. However, Duckweed can be beneficial to your aquarium and your fish may find it very enjoyable.

Duckweed is a floating plant which will grow on the surface of your water. It reproduces very rapidly, with even one leaf being able to form hundreds even in a short amount of time. Duckweed requires virtually no maintenance from you and will be available from many pet stores, in many cases quite possibly for free aside from an odd look in your direction. It is recommended if you have never grown plants before or plan an aquarium which will do well with a low level of light.

Keeping Duckweed is very easy, as it will grow under virtually any conditions. It uses up a lot of nutrients and will spread across the surface of the water very quickly, so it is not a very good idea to try to grow it if you are keeping other plants. If you experience a lot of growth in your aquarium very quickly, it is extremely easy just to net most of it out of the aquarium. If even one leaf is left in the water Duckweed will regrow quite quickly, so if you attempt to remove it it is important to keep on checking to make sure that all parts have been completely removed.

Although Duckweed may sound like a nuisance in much the same way that algae can be, it does offer certain benefits to the aquarium just like other plants would do. There are quite a few species of fish, especially goldfish, which seem to enjoy eating it. Virtually no maintenance is required, it is easy to grow without any particular focus on providing the right colour temperature and intensity. Being a floating plant with very little demands, it will do very well with almost not interaction from you apart from watching your fish occasionally snack on it and removing some of it if it grows too well.

Duckweed may seem like an irritation to begin with, but it does have several benefits to offer your aquarium and fish. If you are new to plants and would just like to introduce something to help you with water quality and as extra food for your fish, you can do well with Duckweed.

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