Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Importance of Flea Baths in the Life of Your Cat

Spending your precious time at home next to a flea infested cat is one of the most undesirable situations for families everywhere. Some pet owners are usually disgusted merely by the fact that their cat is constantly licking and scratching himself, sometimes even biting off big chunks of hair. The bad news is that there is nothing available that will prevent the fleas from jumping in your cat's coat like a magnet. Furthermore if they are not kept under control, it is likely they will jump on humans as well. Pet owners could easily find themselves scratching their skin as often as the pet house cat.

If you keep a cat at home, it should be a high priority to stop fleas before they take over your home. Preventive medication could be the only way to stay a step ahead of a flea infestation. A few topic solutions are currently available in the retail market to help keep fleas away from your cat. Most of these products have proven to be successful, provided that pet owners follow the application instructions.

For quite some time, flea collars have remained a personal favorite of pet owners in the war against fleas. These also work well provided that your pet can resist the sensation of the chemicals around his neck and does not rip off the collar all together. If a flea collar is your method of choice, be mindful of how tight you strap the collar around the cat's neck, so as not to choke him or prevent him from eating. Also, it should not be too loose, at the point where he could get caught with something or take the collar off on his own.

In the event that your cat has already been infested with fleas, a flea bath is the best way to go. The use of a mild flea shampoo that won't cause irritation to cat's skin or eyes is preferable. If you are unable to locate a mild shampoo that you are comfortable with, you could give an infant's shampoo a try. The ideal place to give your pet a flea bath would be the kitchen sink; it is deep enough to hold your cat inside while you work standing up.

During the bathing activity, make sure to keep enough towels at hand to dry your pet, as well as to clean up the mess in the surrounding area. Some pet cats will require that you protect yourself before getting him in touch with water. Products such as falcon gloves can be very useful at protecting your hands during bathing. In case of an accident, such as a bite, you should get medical attention immediately. Regardless of the size of the bite or the healthy condition of your pet, you should see your doctor in order to receive all proper vaccinations.

Once you have finished bathing your pet, and have properly dried him off and brushed his hair, remember to show some tender loving care. Let your pet know you did not mean to torture him and that life goes on, perhaps engaging in a few pet games will help make it all better again.

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