Monday, February 15, 2010

Bird Cages For All Hookbills

Parrots and all Hook bills make great Pets, with proper care and personal interaction make a fun and entertaining addition to your family. My Brother has an African Grey Parrot, who is very smart and has a large vocabulary. They are native to Africa, and you should have the proper size cage which is usually a 36x28, my brother has a 40x30 size for his African Grey Parrot, he also has a play stand which is perfect for exercise and time out of the cage to spread his wings and to interact with you and the family.

My Brothers African Grey sounds just like his voice when he speaks,they have the most human sounding voice of all the parrots. The most important thing to remember is to have their wings clipped so they wont injure themselves if they fly from their perch, and keep their nails clipped and their beaks trimmed which they can do themselves if they have the cuttle bone and pumice stone perch. I had a Cockatiel which was a beautiful bird who had rosy checks and they are native to Australia, they are very smart and loving I taught mine to say a few words, he became part of our family. I had parakeets who mated and had their young in our cage at home, we watched as the male fed the female as she sat on the eggs, and we watched the young hatch, and explore their new surroundings it was a wonderful experience for my whole family.

Just remember cage size is important, finding an Avian veterinarian, a varied diet, and do not give your birds a treat that you think is good for you before checking to see what foods are toxic to your Bird, example: my Daughter enjoys avocados, very toxic to birds, check with experienced sources on toxic plants and foods. Here is a little information which can be helpful, Finches are small birds and enjoy the company of each other, so have more than one in a cage, Love Birds should always be in pairs, Canaries can sing a melodious song that you can enjoy..... enjoy the beauty of the Macaws who are gentle and affectionate, my Daughter has a Macaw, he has bonded with her and the family, but he requires a lot of attention at times, her friend has an Eclectus who loves his toys and has a very soft fur and is very quiet compared to my daughters African Grey and Macaw. To me all the parrots and birds are wonderful to watch and listen too, and with the proper care and love make great companions.

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