Sunday, August 1, 2010

Supplies For Your Chameleons

Chameleons are fun and loving reptiles and they are among the most ideal types of exotic pets. However, since they are not like cats and dogs that easily adapt with the human environment, chameleons need a certain space in which they get to enjoy their natural habitat. Of course, you can't just give them that easily, especially when you are living in an urban settlement, thus you would have to use certain supplies which help in keeping up with your chameleon's needs in order to live long, healthy and happily.

Below are some of the common chameleon supplies which you will use once you start owning and taking care of a chameleon:

1. Vitamin supplements. Chameleons don't just need food in order to have a good health. They also need multivitamin supplements which help keep their bones strong, muscles lean and flexible, skin nourished, and color vibrant. These come in the form of special flakes, sprays and dusts and can be purchased in the pet store.

2. Light fixtures. Unlike other animals which remain to live the same way despite being exposed to different lights and shades, chameleons are more sensitive and rather choose to have dim lights instead. Thus, it is important that you add certain fixtures such as dome lamps, clamp lamps and fluorescent hoods to maintain such lighting and warmth inside their cage.

3. Heaters. Heat emitters and thermostats are also important for chameleons. This equipment keeps the chameleon's home warm and humid enough to act as its natural habitat. An enclosure that's too cold and dry will heavily affect the chameleon's overall well being, and may even cause certain ailments and illnesses as time goes by.

4. Care and Health. Aside from being choosy when it comes to proper lighting, temperature and humidity, chameleons are also sensitive when it comes to cleanliness. Thus, you must make good use of cleaning supplies, together with other supplements such as Repta-Aid and electrolytes to keep your reptile friend and his own home clean and tidy. Doing this will protect him from parasites and other issues caused by insects and microorganisms that may cause harm to his health.

5. Feeder Insect Supplies. Since your chameleon will be living in your place, he will not be able to go around and hunt for crickets, his favorite insect food. Thus, you may supplement his need for cricket protein by providing insect feeds, such as cricket dust, gut loads and shakers. These aids will help your chameleon in ingesting the food you give, particularly those which are artificial and powdered.

6. Watering and hydration. Chameleons also need a regular supply of water, both for drinking and keeping a humid environment. When keeping one, you should have a mister and dripper placed inside its cage, to maintain humidity. You can also spray the cage with water everyday so that it will be kept cool and humid inside. Despite the changing weathers in the outside world, chameleons won't be affected and will continue to enjoy the sweet life they've always had.

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