Sunday, August 1, 2010

Ferret Fun - Games to Play!

Hey everyone, I thought I would share with you some of my favorite games that I like to play with my ferret friends.

- Tuggy
This is the simple game of tuggy, you grab your ferrets favorite toy and then shake it in front of them, they will then grab onto it and start to try and pull it off of you, the game has begun! You can now play tug of war with your ferret, being gentle of course as they are only little!

- Hide and Seek
Usually this is a game that just happens because your ferret is being mischievous! They love hiding and tunneling where ever they can, remember to be careful and not let them get where they shouldn't!

- Fetch
The idea with fetch is to start off with playing tuggy, then move onto throwing their toy, this helps a lot if their favorite toy is slightly smelly as ferrets do not have the best eye sight in the animal world, throw it slightly away from them and they will usually come back and start to try and play tuggy again!

- Reverse Fetch
This game is a strange one, most ferrets do it, but if you give your ferret tiny little toys, sometimes they will take it off you then go and hide it, if you keep giving them little treats they could do the same as well, this game is great as you can find our their little hiding place which they think is oh so secretive!

- Tummy Rubs
I love this game, if you have a really gentle docile ferret then you can slightly push them over on their back and rub their tummy, they love this, if you don't have a gentle but playful ferret, you can pick them up and lie them on your arm like a baby, whilst keeping a good eye on the mouth area, then you can tickle there tummy whilst maintaining more control as the alpha ferret!

- Chase!
Ferrets love chasing mom or dad, if you nudge them away a little using a toy then run off ferrets will mostly start to chase you out of curiosity!

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