Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Parrot Feats

Ever wonder how parrots look so wise and lovable? This is because of their learned feats that parrot enthusiasts teach their pets. Teaching parrots how to acquire feats and traits are quite tricky. We do these to gain a play time with our pets and share wonderful experiences with them. It could also lessen some of the parrot's distasteful attitude sometimes.

As we do the teaching, we need to consider where we hold this important moment for our pets. The space needs to have a sense of restfulness in the air to gain the bird's undivided concentration to what we are teaching them. It would also be best for them to eliminate too much things that are not needed when teaching the bird some feats. As an enthusiast, be aware that you need a stress free environment and trusting relationship with your pets so that no bad effects would be produced in your parrot's experience of your teaching. You must also have a strong will to maintain your positiveness in teaching them feats.

A favored feat that parrots do is when they come forward to you. You need to say "step up" for them to do this. Give them a gift like a piece of food for good behavior once they follow your directions. This feat basically has rewarding outcomes when the parrot learns eventually, as well as for their breeders. In the case of small birds, you need to place your fingers in front of them to do this feat and entice them with a piece of food. As for the larger parrots, you need to place your arm in front of them or where they perch and hold out a gift as reward.

Once the parrot learns to come forward, how them how to turn in their place. These is done by holding out example, a fruit in front of them and simply go towards your pet's back for them to trail on the fruit with their eyes and give them a fruit or pellet as a reward for good behavior. Some pets easily trail on their back and grab the fruit with their beak while others need more convincing as it is for them do the feat. Now once, they accomplished this feat correctly give them food as a gift.

Do your parrots scream in the middle of the night which often bothers you? If they do you need to teach them the feat of talking. Talking could basically improve their well-being as your pets. Their vocal chords are exercised and they would be very playful with your and your family. You need to start them with some normal common words like, "hello" or "goodbye". Carefully say the word over and over again until you hear them make some kind of sound as a response. At times, family members are also encouraged to speak to the bird using the word you taught over and over for your parrot to learn that word naturally. In turn, your pet would adapt to the word and repeat them correctly.

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