Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sugar Gliders - 3 Main Reasons Why Your Gliders Are Dying

Many new sugar gliders owners are running into a problem! This problem is to NOT being able to keep their exotic pets alive.

You must keep in mind that these animals are living a healthy life in the wild because they have the right diet the wild. In order to be able to keep your pets healthy and alive in captivity there are few fundamental things that you need to know and apply.

The first reason why these animals are dying in captivity is lack of calcium. Calcium is a fundamental part of the sugar gliders diet. If you do not feed them enough calcium, they will start developing health problems such as paralysis, and eventually they will die.

The second reason why captive gliders could die prematurely is because of improper diet in general. Those exotic pets diet can be very simple, but it is also very specific. You must be able to balance their need of protein, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins in such a manner that they can maintain good health and thrive in captivity.

The third reason why captive sugar gliders might not live long in some cases is because of inadequate living environment. Things as simple as the size of the cage can be a factor for the life span of your animals. For example, only tall cages are suitable for this kind of animals. Lack of quite, light, proper bedding and other details can also be vital for the surviving of your pets. Hygiene is also a must in raising and keeping a glider alive.

Caring for those adorable exotic pets is not very hard at all, but it does require some knowledge on your part. Once you have acquired this knowledge you will be able to enjoy your pets for as long as 12 to 15 years.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry...I can't speak chinese very well...
    thx for the comment bro..

    thx for others comment...I think it'll improve our knowledge,,so I share this article for you guys...
