Sunday, April 4, 2010

Cichlid Tropical Fish - Don't Make This Mistake

Keeping cichlid tropical fish can be very enjoyable, but sometimes frustrating. More and more novice aquarists are taking on the task of learning how to keep African or American cichlids, but most are just unsure of how to take care of these very unique and beautiful aquarium fish.

Cichlid Care Mistakes

So what are some of the common mistakes that a lot of novice cichlid tropical fish keepers make? One of the most common mistakes that cichlid fish keepers make is the mixing of African and American cichlids. Pet stores make this mistake too! It breaks my heart to see these poor cichlids in pet stores that are improperly kept. Both the Africans and American varieties kept together are miserable and literally barely surviving. Their water requirements are very different and they just are not naturally supposed to be living together.

What is another mistake that a lot of cichlid tropical fish keepers make?

This is one of the most common mistakes that even the most seasoned aquarist makes. Not making regular water changes in their aquariums. No matter what species of tropical fish that you keep, regular water changes are literally the life-blood of all aquarium fish. The truth is, novice aquarists just don't know how to take care of their tropical fish much less make them thrive and even begin to breed. PH and salinity requirements are also very important. Take cichlid fish for example. African cichlids and American cichlids have very different water salinity requirements.

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