Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Betta Nests - Mouth Brooder Or Bubble Nest Betta

Betta nests are created by the male of the species. There are two types of betta breeders, and those are the mouth brooding betta and the bubble nest betta. These types of breeding are very different, so different nests are built. These two types of betta nests have many similarities and differences. How do you know which type you have? Let's take a look at the beautiful betta's nest building habits.

Bettas that build air-bubble nests on the bottom side of the surface of water do so when water conditions are not rapid. In nature, if a betta gives birth in a fast moving stream or lake, they will keep the brood in their mouth, since the bubble nest would easily be destroyed by water movement. In the aquarium, however, there is generally not rapidly moving water, so the male betta will suck air into his mouth and attach a layer of saliva to this air. He then blows the bubbles out and they cling to the surface of the water. When the fry are produced, the male moves them to this nest, and will protect it aggressively, even against his partner.

Make sure that you have some surface plants for these bubbles to cling to should your male betta decide to go this route.

If the male betta feels threatened, or feels that the water is moving too rapidly, he will take the brood into his mouth, and hold them there for 7 to 10 days for the fry to develop. The bubble nest betta male may not eat during this entire time, and could begin to look sickly and thin. This is normal behavior for these fish when making betta nests. A dead giveaway that this is the case is that the male will generally back into a cave, or huddle at the surface of the water, with the female guarding him.

Regardless which of the betta nests your fish employs, a tight fitting cover or plastic wrap should be fitted over the tank to keep any cold air from reaching the surface. A warmer betta temperature is a must for healthy growth. If when the fry are young, they receive any cold air when they swim to the top of their aquarium, they can catch pneumonia and die.

These are just a few of the steps to take when breeding bettas, and an in-depth betta care manual should be kept on hands at all times to handle any eventuality.

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