Thursday, December 23, 2010

Golden Retriever Puppy Biting

We all know how cute puppies are, especially these ones. However, we are all guilty of mistaking them biting us as cuteness. Many owners don't realise that this so called 'harmless behaviour' can lead to aggressive and dominant behaviour in adulthood. You must therefore, ensure that you get rid of your puppy biting issue immediately.

Most Golden Retriever puppies learn to stop biting very early on as their brothers and sisters will bite them back. This usually happens around about 8 weeks old. If the biting doesn't stop after this point then it can become very troublesome to stop them biting...

Golden Retriever Puppy Biting Problems: Young and Naive

It is imperative that you act quickly and decisively as soon as you notice your Golden Retriever puppy biting problem If you have just got your pup and it is younger than 8 weeks old then at once is the time to act.

To begin, please don't hit your puppy when it bites you. This can sometimes be a major reason why they develop aggression problems in later life.

The best way to stop your Golden Retriever puppy biting is to address the cause issue. To stop your Golden Retriever puppy biting use the 'stick and carrot' method. The basic model of this is to reinforce and reward good behaviour and discourage bad behaviour. This doesn't insinuate punishing them!

Avoid any form of physical games with your puppy as this will encourage aggressive behaviour.The main aim is to be consistent in your actions. Please don't send mixed signals to your puppy such as encouraging rough games one week and not the next. This is because it can confuse them, and can lead to aggression in later life.

Golden Retriever Puppy Biting Problems: Education

Another great way to stop your Golden Retriever puppy biting is to begin some form of obedience training. The obedience classes are great because the trainers are experts at handling biting problems

By also enrolling on socialization classes your dog will become much more socialized. This also helps to decrease violence and worry problems.

Redirecting any biting behaviour is vitally important when trying to discourage biting.If you give them a chew toy instead of your finger then they will associate the chew toy with biting, not your finger.

You can teach your dog that biting is unacceptable by simply displaying pain whenever you are bit. This shows that biting is painful, and instantly discourages it.

By far the best time to train your dog that biting is unacceptable is when they are young. You can eliminate the biting problem within a few months if you start it early enough. This will cause much less stress in later life as it can grow to be much more difficult, although not impossible as the dog gets grown-up and develops habits.

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