Friday, February 6, 2009

The Secret to Puppy Potty Training That is Right in Front of You - Essential Training Technique

How to potty train a new puppy is perhaps one of the most frequently asked puppy training questions. To a new puppy owner, this can seem like an impossible problem. I have certainly cleaned up my share of puppy pee and pooh, and have lived the nightmare. However, I want to tell you right now, it does not have to be this way, and I'll show you how.
The real secret to potty training puppies, the secret that is right in front of your eyes is this. Now remember, please be aware that this you probably already know this, but you may not know that this is the secret.

The secret is routine. "Routine," in this case, means doing something the same way over and over again. In potty training your new puppy, routine and establishing the right routines is vitally important. The repetition of established routines followed by praise and possibly a treat is how puppies learn.

Routines for Potty Training Puppies

* Establish a fixed schedule for feeding.
* Let your puppy outside 10 to 15 minutes after meal times.
* Take your puppy outside every one to two hours.
* Always take your dog out just before bedtime.
* Always remember to give your puppy lots of praise when it eliminates outside.
* Always take your puppy outside when you see it sniffing the floor as if following a trail or if you see it preparing to eliminate.
* When your puppy goes inside, always scrub the spot as thoroughly as possible.
* Always put your puppy in a special area designated just for your puppy when you cannot be present to monitor it. This area should be big enough to allow the puppy a space for toilet use.

Repetition of your puppy training routines without change is key. Never scold or be angry with your dog. Simply carry out your training routines with gentle firmness, and you'll succeed not only in puppy potty training, but in showing your pet how to please you and forging a strong and long-lasting bond.

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