Saturday, February 14, 2009

Helpful Dog Supplements

Vitamins and Minerals
For the most part, if you are feeding your dog a quality food he is getting more than enough vitamins and minerals. And in truth, supplementing with some vitamins and minerals can be downright dangerous. Too much calcium for example can lead to stunted growth and enlarged joints, and too much phosphorus can leech calcium out of the body. If you supplement with these minerals you are playing with a very delicate balance that is easily destroyed. Are there vitamins your dog can use? Actually, if you are looking to give your dog a supplement a good place to start is with vitamin E. This natural anti-oxidant can also help with healing and with osteoarthritis pain as well.

Herbal Supplements
Of course, there are also herbal supplements that your dog can benefit from. Some of the most common include garlic, glucosamine, brewer's yeast, and flax seed oil. Garlic is a wonderful supplement that can help with heart health and is also a natural antibiotic and anti-oxidant. Be careful not to give your dog too much garlic though, as it can kill red blood cells when taken in excess. Glucosamine is wonderful for dogs with joint problems, and is often used with anti-inflammatory like MSM. Brewer's yeast is a wonderful dog supplement that can improve mental health and the dog's skin, but it must not be given to animals with kidney problems. Also, flax seed oil is a superb source of omega-3 fatty acids which are essential for brain health. If you want to give your dog a supplement that will really help you try yucca shidigera, it works in the intestines to make your dog's feces less smelly!

As you can see there are a plethora of helpful dog supplements. Try focusing on a few key areas where your dog needs help, this way you won't be overwhelmed by pills. May you and your dog enjoy many happy years together!

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