Monday, January 5, 2009

Poodles, and Why They Make the Perfect Pet

I have been a dog lover and dog owner for all of my life. I have had the pleasure of having several of the most popular breed of dogs and in my opinion the poodle wins hands down. Let me share with you some of my reasons for making such a bold statement when there are so many wonderful breeds of dogs. I also want to make it clear that there are many wonderful dogs available for adoption and they can reward you with unlimited love and devotion. That being said, I am writing this article for people that are looking for a particular breed to fill their particular needs.

Poodles come in several sizes anywhere from a very small teacup size and all the way to the very large standard poodle and sizes in between. One of the wonderful aspects of having a poodle is they are hypo-allergenic and they do not shed. This is an important factor for anyone with allergies.

Poodles typically have a very sweet and loving disposition and for this reason they can be a perfect choice for almost any age. I am a firm believer that small children should have a larger size dog and the miniature poodle or standard poodle would be a good choice. The reason I believe in small children having a larger size dog is they are less likely to hurt the dog. Most dogs are very careful around children and tend to watch over them.

Poodles also make wonderful watch dogs. I know this may sound silly, but it is true. The main function of a watch dog is to alarm you when someone approaches. I can promise you, no one can get to my door without me knowing it in advance. It is also handy to know when your teenagers come home at night after you have gone to bed.

This may sound arrogant, but poodles are also one of the most intelligent breed of dog. I have had german shepherds, boxers. collies, labs, etc. and poodles in my opinion are at the top of the list in the smart department. They learn commands very quickly and are eager to please. I know this may sound silly, but my poodles can usually understand what I say to them. For example, if I ask if they want to go out, or want a treat, or want to go to bed, they beat a path to the correct location.

I have had miniature poodles and now have two toy poodles, primarily because my wife and I enjoy a lap dog and the joy and comfort of having them sit with us.

I want to make it clear that any dog breed can make a wonderful pet and dogs in general are very loyal, loving, obedient, and wonderful. I just wanted to share the love of my favorite breed.

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